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Everything posted by Protovoid

  1. Protovoid

    A lesson on loot pile manners.

    Heheheh, and now i will specifically leave one empty tin can at every loot pile. Did you want a morphine? Well sorry, we've only got tin cans.
  2. Or buy a gaming laptop with i7 processor and higher tier graphics card (GTX 680M) Still, Arma2 is very CPU intensive. At lower settings even more so. Higher setting will force some rendering processes on graphics card (shadows). So if you put shadows on low you should see a bigger increase in FPS than normally, 'cause your CPU outclasses your GPU by a lot. I wouldn't even put these in a same PC.
  3. Protovoid

    L85A2 gone, snipers will reign supreme

    While i don't support the removal of this rifle, i don't agree that it's a "buff" to snipers, on the contrary, they have to detect people with normal means now. Personally i think that what this rifle needs are batteries, or even separation of thermal and rifles, much like night goggles and binoculars work.
  4. All i see in this thread is whining 'cause food and water mechanics distract people from PvP. What's up, killing everyone on sight is realistic, having zombies around is realistic, finding AK in a barn is realistic. Get over it. You compare things to real life only when it suits you. If anything, this game needs even scarcer food sources.
  5. When discussing PvP: learn to play mazafaka, this game is brutal and unforgiving. When discussing zombies: Waaaaaah, i can't run like a mammoth around cities anymore....waaaaaah.
  6. Server hopping for gear can be fixed by modifying drop rates based on server population. For example if server has less than 10 people it won't spawn gps, thermals e.t.c. The higher the risk - the higher is reward. DC'ing on the other hand, i don't know. Flagging for pvp, or when aggroed by zombies? But what about situations when you are not yet engaged in combat, but you know that soon will be? What if someone shoots you but misses? You can avert dc'ing in some situations, but all of them? I doubt.
  7. Protovoid

    Get rid of this mindset

    I'll just leave this here.