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Posts posted by worldsprayer

  1. I've actually taught this skill to a number of people I've been playing with. Land Nav is one of my better skills (in real life) and the Arma 2 engine has been a great place to practice. A compass and map mean you will never get lost.

    Now you don't have a compass which is an issue, but not a big one in truth. A compass is NICE..but not essential

    First, you need to ID your major landmarks. Those would be: HUGE hills, cities/towns, bodies of water, and roads.

    For the road, you want to know if it is a primary (orange on map, is 2 lane paved with stripes), improved (solid line, is paved with no stripes), or basic (dotted line, is dirt track). If you know what direction north is, and you know what kind of road you are near, that is a start.

    Then, is there a town/city near by. If you know you have a town with a highway entering it from the SW, you can now eliminate numerous towns. Learn to id features on the map. Can you see a church in the town? If so, you want a town with a highway, coming from the SW, with a church in the correct spot on the map.

    Hills. Finally, you can take ALL that above, and compare it to see if there is a town relevant to the hill your near (if there is one)

    Bodies of water a no-brainer. there are so few on the map that if you are near a pond and even know what QUARTER of the map you're on, you'll likely find yourself.

    I hope that helps.

  2. I was on US 1445 tonight, waiting near a main rotor assy for a buddy to show up and grab it, when I heard foot steps that didnt belong to my friend. I crawled to a secure corner, high walls all around me. Footsteps come to a stop, I'm waiting for someone to come around the corner. I look to the right (trackir) when I see something move. I see a gun barrel sticking through the brick wall. I'm like..wha... BAMBAMBAM. I'm dead.

    Pal shows up 2 minutes later and shoots dead 3 members of BLACKKK. He didn't get the names of the 3 he killed, but:

    [bLACKKK] Diggindeep

    [bLACKKK] Dragonass

    [bLACKKK] Graphicy\:z'

    [bLACKKK] JRex

    were the 4 Blackkkk members on. I have ZERO problem getting killed in a legitimate fight and/or ambush. I've killed plenty and I've been killed plenty. This is however the first time I have been killed by a solid exploit. sadly I wasnt running FRAPS at the time.

    Enjoy the gear guys.

  3. Mine is when I was moving out of elektro towards cherno, and I'm with a buddy, when a new player runs up onto the road. He's got nothing in hands, but he's not making any motion really. I start talking in direct VON, telling him that if he turns around and heads off away from us he'll live. Well he doesn't budge, just looks at each of us. I tell him again "Dude, you're making me nervous, I'm about to pop you, leave now." Finally, after 5 more seconds of him turning and looking at the 3 of us, I said "Ok, I warned you. " POP POP Two AK's to the head. So I then said in TS 'Well, you can't say I didn't warn him."

    "What do you mean?" (bud)

    "...me telling him to leave..?" (me)

    "I didn't hear anything..." (bud)


    *types gibberish into direct chat*

    "you see that?" (me)

    "....nope." (bud)

    "...Whoops." (me)

    To the guy who wondered why 3 guys iwth guns just stared at you before shooting you down...I'm sorry...I hadn't checked if chat was enabled in that server, Better luck bro.

  4. Not sure if thisa bug or not. I was on Atlanta 68 last night, and while moving eat to Cherno from the airstrip, I came across a truck (it was night time) with its lights on. I was freaking out thinking I'd found my first player vehicle that someone had left, but after watching it for 5 minutes and no one moving I went closer. All the wheels were destroyed so I'm sure it wasnt driven there, and when I check the inventory, it had one of every rifle in the game, numerous magazines for each, and a few tools. Unless someone somehow blasted all the whells of their truck AND left it there to sit, I dont think that was supposed to be there..if it DID belong to someone..thanks for the m4a3 cco and m107 :P

  5. I will post a perfectly legit use of the Ghillie suit. It's a feature that in Arma 3 will make it perfectly viable with the grass fields that show at all ranges: I was coming in on stary sobor last night from the north. I hear a shot, I go prone in my ghillie. Im coming up on the hill overlooking the tents when the sniper comes running up the hill right in front of me. He stops RIGHT in front of me....and starts scanning the field. He doesn't see me laying there 10 feet in front of him with an m16. THAT is what a ghillie suit is capable of and SUPPOSED to do. To allow the eye to pass right over it if you aren't already knowing its location.

    In game it is a thing of beauty when used up close, but all the tree stuff people are talking about is people taking advantage of the relatively weak engine that arma 2 is (i cant believe i once thought it was amazing).

    It's an alpha, and I'm sure Ill enjoy the game onec it turns into whatever the heck it's meant to be. I just hope everyone who bought the game for the mod doesnt get too upset...everyone who did that is going to need to remember they bought arma, not dayz.


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