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Posts posted by Karie

  1. @Karie:

    I don't have an issue with the dev not adding the option to change the gender' date=' but the developer specially went out of his way to make it so that you *can't*, added giant warning boxes saying that you can't change your gender because he spent extra effort to code it that way, and said 'YOU ONLY GET ONE OPTION' or something like that.


    You've never heard of fiction then, have you. Zombies are fiction. This game is fiction. In his dystopian universe, you aren't able to change your gender at will, all the doctors are probably zombies that can perform SRS, there's no way to perform it on yourself as there are no melee weapons in DayZ.

    It's not saying that you can't change your gender in real life. If there was a big sign that said "You cannot become a transsexual.", then I would have an issue. And to be completely honest? That might be okay, because you cannot switch your gender realistically in a zombie apocalypse.

    So again, please give me a real reason that he should change that. Implications are one thing, telling you that you can't or shouldn't change your gender in real life are another.

    Give me a real reason why Rocket specially designed the game if it wasn't because of his beliefs. The 'all doctors who can perform srs are zombies' is not a valid point, Day Z is not realistic, it is a game, and fiction like *what you said.*

    It wasn't because of his beliefs. Expecting him to answer all these little questions about lore are fucking worthless and a waste of development time. Instead of being a freedom fighter for people who don't need to be fought for, how about kindly jumping off the nearest pier with cement poured on your feet? It would make about as much sense as your logic if you did so.

    I'll be back later too, I have no time for logical fallacies (or in this case, phallusies) and must attend to my normal fucking life.

  2. @Karie:

    I don't have an issue with the dev not adding the option to change the gender' date=' but the developer specially went out of his way to make it so that you *can't*, added giant warning boxes saying that you can't change your gender because he spent extra effort to code it that way, and said 'YOU ONLY GET ONE OPTION' or something like that.


    You've never heard of fiction then, have you. Zombies are fiction. This game is fiction. In his dystopian universe, you aren't able to change your gender at will, all the doctors are probably zombies that can perform SRS, there's no way to perform it on yourself as there are no melee weapons in DayZ.

    It's not saying that you can't change your gender in real life. If there was a big sign that said "You cannot become a transsexual.", then I would have an issue. And to be completely honest? That might be okay, because you cannot switch your gender realistically in a zombie apocalypse.

    So again, please give me a real reason that he should change that. Implications are one thing, telling you that you can't or shouldn't change your gender in real life are another.

  3. Hi, actual transgirl here from the internets. I was linked to this thread on GameSurge IRC, I have played DayZ maybe once or twice.

    Pic if anyone cares: http://i.imgur.com/rmZ7v.jpg

    This thread isn't about me though. It's about the original poster.

    I have come here to inform you that the OP has no fucking clue what they are talking about. This is not a transgender issue, fuck, it's not even an LGBT issue if it wasn't obvious already. It's a fucking video game.

    Gender is a non issue in DayZ because it's a fucking zombie apocalypse.

    You think that during all of this shenanigans going on in the fictional world of DayZ that you would be obsessed with LGBT issues? Fuck everything at that point, get a shotgun, blow motherfuckers up. Who gives a shit what gender you are, you're not gonna take female or male fucking hormones in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. You're gonna fight for survival.

    Now that the realistic issue is out of the way, let's visit our past.

    Do you have an issue with Lara Croft being a woman all the time?


    I didn't fucking think so. If anything the OP would be up in arms that Lara Croft was portrayed as a lesbian and think that is insulting to LGBT issues.

    But, it goes beyond that.

    People can identify as whatever the fuck they want, I know some people that identify as horses, fuckin' bronies or whatever you call them. And PS: Fuck the OP for trying to group everyone into a mid-gender group.

    We're not all people who want to be like "LOL I HAVE A DICK", some of us want to fit into society like a normal fucking human being and people like you who attempt to 'defend' transwomen as not being a man or a woman are fucking atrocities as human beings for telling someone else what they actually are. You know, I can respect people that want to be a middle gender. I really can. But at the end of the day we just want to be considered normal. Bringing this shit up to be something abnormal that everyone else should accept is pushing us further away from our goals.

    So, here's to you, OP. You took a subject that is a non-issue and turned it into one.

    You defined me as something I am not.

    Fuck you.
