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About tysonbishop

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Surrey BC Canada

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  • Bio
    Probably the most relaxed DayZ player you'll ever find.
  1. My charecter is about 120 days alive now, never encountered a hacker, and ive chilled on public hive the whole time. usually in 10/50 games
  2. tysonbishop

    This is why DayZ is NOT failing.

    i like day z because i go out and find shit, i actually just love to find stuff
  3. tysonbishop

    Post Your Ideas in Gifs (M Rated)

    Cant. Stop. Laughing. Gifs. Fucking. Hilarious.
  4. tysonbishop

    M4A3 OCC or M14 AIM?

    m14, more versitile
  5. tysonbishop

    Hacking must be stopped

    Finding stuff in the game is the fun part.. just suck it up, get rid of the butthurt, and find it again. Stop whining and let the dev team fix it without all the annoying threads.
  6. tysonbishop

    This is what makes DayZ fun.

    lol -.- bro just for making me laugh you get my beans
  7. So this is what i absolutley love about DayZ, the gunfights. I HATE looting, i think it sucks. But anyways, i love the thrill of knowing im 1 bad desision from dying. It just gets my blood pumping. So anyways, lets share our favourite gunfight stories. Heres mine. This is from quite awile ago, (before my current charecter). So i was in the Vybor Airbase, just looting the barracks and such, i was bragging to my friend on teamspeak, saying, "HOLY SHIT I HAVE A m249 SUCK IT BITCH!!! VSJVFVGJKF!!!". He said pics or it didnt happen, so i sent it to him. Right after that, i heard bangs outside. Me being a curious fellow, went outside to investigate. What i saw was a group of 10 people crossing the road towards my barraks. They had mostly AKs and what seemed to be a Camoflauged rifle, (DMR?). So i instantly took cover behind the water well, and open fired my M249, pouring hot lead apon them, like a trigger happy hick. I instantly bagged 4 of them, knocked out 2. the other 4 opened fire and we ran around shooting eachother for the next 5 mins. What eventually killed me at the end was each one lobbed a grenade over the fence i hid behind and nailed me. I had a shitton of fun, even cogratulated the folks who killed me over side chat, and we bolth admitted we had fun. SO post you fav gunfights youve all had. P.S Pic related, it was the picture of me before the fight
  8. :beans: for this post since i have same problem -.-
  9. tysonbishop

    Funniest Moments On DayZ, GO!

    Haha, awesome
  10. I wanna hear your funny moments of DayZ, go! :D
  11. tysonbishop

    Rocket is a sadistic bear f**ker

    LT youre my new best friend
  12. tysonbishop

    Are Helicopters going to be added again?

    the people mustve ejected in a attempt to live
  13. tysonbishop


    and this is post # 10 billion on this topic? amirite?
  14. tysonbishop

    Are Helicopters going to be added again?

    dude they must have raged so hard, it made Hitler rage quit life