Will someone please fix the launch of this mod or remove the ability to use the mod with the beta period. Right now there at least 7 different versions of the beta server running dayz mod. No one using the steam version of arma can play in any stinking server because the beta installer will not actually patch the game. (How do I know, I have 5 different PC's running various flavors of Windows, not a darn one of them will run the mod nor will the beta install correctly because they're all steam installs of the game) I've tried every compatibility mode in Windows there is to get that bugger to patch. On more then one occasion that "You sure it installed right" msg comes up. In game I get incompatible versions to you can't edit this mission errors. Yes I've ran ALL 3 games as Admin. Yes I ran the patch as Admin. Yes the mod files are located "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@DayZ\Addons" exactly where they are supposed to. You want to break 500k users like you predicted in the interview, then fix the dam install/launch issues. Alpha or not you made the decision to make the mod a public alpha and go on a publicity tour.