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About Fleshcage

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  1. Fleshcage


    So what are the differences in the channels you can switch to?
  2. Fleshcage

    Helicopter Crashes and Other Stuff

    So there are no general locations or areas in which a heli could spawn?
  3. Fleshcage

    Helicopter Crashes and Other Stuff

    Well, seeing as how rare they are and how easy it would be to camp one and get shit tons of gear, I don't think loot respawns
  4. Fleshcage

    Helicopter Crashes and Other Stuff

    Thanks, me and my friend have been playing together for a while now and we just got someone else to play with us. so team synergy is a go!
  5. Ok so, does anyone have any kind of method as to finding crashed helicopters? I've played this gave for a week and a half every day, but I never have found these fabled crashed helicopters. In fact, yesterday was the first time I have ever found a Sniper Rifle. Also, does anyone have any tips for finding great loot? or maybe just basic knowledge for surviving.
  6. Fleshcage


  7. Fleshcage


    IS there a fast way of spawning close to my friends? We have to run a marathon just to meet up.
  8. Fleshcage

    I'm passed out and I can't re spawn

    I died , nevermind
  9. Fleshcage

    I'm passed out and I can't re spawn

    Im not sure on my location, let me check again
  10. I decided to log in and play day z and to my surprise, I was passed out and bleeding. On top of it all, my leg was broken and the passed out timer was not moving at all. I left for an HOUR and came back and it was only moved slightly. Please reset my character. I'm not sure what information you'll need, but just ask and you shall receive.
  11. Fleshcage

    Empty grassland

    Ok, I respawned and it worked great! Thanks! I diede with in 2 minutes because I have no weapons nor could I find any O.o anyways, thanks!
  12. Fleshcage

    Empty grassland

    bump I really need help
  13. Fleshcage

    Empty grassland

    *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: Steam *Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: Yes, the latest which is ARMA2_OA_Build_94444 *Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: Sixupdater *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: I spawn in an empty wasteland. No land marks of any kind, just grass land and hills. completely empty except a few animals *Your PC specs: Not relevant, I know I can run this perfectly fine *Your Operating System: windows 7 *Have you looked at these threads?: yes http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=18588 SteamGamers.com Servers: US89 Reg + US90 Reg + US91 Veteran 3rd Pers + US92 Veteran