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36 Good

About dpactual

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Getting some good regular traffic now! Its awesome fun, come join.
  2. Getting some new people to join up! Its good to see! We have added a new air trader, changed the vehicle lists, new view distance choice script is in and we are currently tweaking the loot tables to have items spawn more regularly! We are also offering a small starter kit for people who join, just contact Ano, Death or Corac in game or in TS3 (in the debug monitor) to let us know you are interested.
  3. I play on this server all the time. I stopped playing on public hives completely. The server runs great, admins are helpful and prompt. The community is what you truly come for. It's always nice to have people to join forces with, even as a bandit. I recommend this server highly. I won't be going back to public hives as long as this server is running.
  4. I've seen war. I've seen people die. I've been to the deserts of Afghan as an infantry 0331 in the USMC. My platoon was over-watched by our sniper unit on multiple occasions, 100% of the time carrying their .50 cal. I've seen what those bullets do to people. They won't blow an arm off? A leg? A head? You have no idea what gruesome is till you see what a 50. caliber bullet can do to people in person. They will take limbs off, the head, cut the torso in half. I've seen it in person, I've moved the fucking blood and gut drained bodies. I have a whole new fear and respect for that gun after afghan. I don't ever have a desire to see what that gun can do again.
  5. dpactual

    I Lost my Virginity while streaming

    Why are you on the fucking bandit forums?
  6. Confirmed, tested on 7 of our vehicles and all 8 tents.
  7. dpactual

    vehicle storage borked

    We are having the Issue ever since as well. Whether it be 5 hours before restart, or 1 minute, vehicles are reverting to 2.3 inventories, dupping the old gear and deleting new gear. Tents are also still wiping all contents on any restart, unless the tents are very old. Any tens placed within the last 2 weeks gets wiped instantly on restart.