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Everything posted by Sandwichx

  1. Sandwichx

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    All I have to say to say to this is... you mad, bro?
  2. Sandwichx

    Your First Life

    Press "g" to open your inventory. There should be an item in there called "bandage". Right click it and press "bandage wounds" or something like that. To open your backpack, click on the backpack in your inventory. One of the buttons on the bottom of the inventory screen should then say "open backpack". Press that. If you are picking up an item, it will actually open a new inventory. If you are just looking at yours, the items in your backpack will appears as items you can pick up.
  3. So I had just died from a bandit sniper. No big deal. I like starting over. I find my favorite part of this mod is crawling through towns with naught but a hatchet, looting houses and supermarkets. I spawn in near Elektro, so I say "fuck it" and decide to loot part of the town, then run my ass away. On my way there, I pick a hatchet and some random supplies. When I get into Elektro, I go into this apartment building thing. I'm not quite sure what it was, but it was a high value loot spot. Anyways, while I was in there, I heard, what sounded like, someone lighting a flare. So asked if anyone was around, but got no answer. I was on edge at this point, so I was sneaking around a bit. I got out onto the roof, and as I started looting stuff, "bam" and I'm dead. Darn. Oh well, I'll just start over. It's not like I had anything of real value. Well, when I spawn, I end up spawning on the beach in Elektro. I decide to go back and see if I can loot my body without getting killed again, and then try to find the bandit that killed me. Well, I sprint through the streets of Elektro, back to my body. I end up not taking any aggro, and I was only about three blocks away from where I died. As I get back onto the roof, I lie down and crawl to my body. I'm about done looting my corpse when I hear a gun shot ring out across the block. My heart starts racing and I shift backwards into the doorway. After about thirty seconds, I decide, "fuck it". I run straight onto the roof and run back and forth, hoping he will see me and waste some ammo. I hear about four shots go past my head before I get back down. By this time, I had noticed, he wasn't very far away. Maybe only three or four buildings to my right. I can't see where he is yet, but I know the direction he's in. While I'm prone on the ground, I decide to loot more stuff from my corpse. While doing so, I take a shot to the side. Then shot after shot rains down on my position. The guy fired probably three clips at me without hitting me again. I stand back up to get into the doorway to bandage myself. As I stand up, I see him on the ground, running from a building towards the one I'm in. He is being chased by about ten zombies. He looks up and sees me standing. He stops to shoot at me more, like an idiot. He hits me and I die, but not before I watch him get surrounded by zombies and eaten alive. I hope you all got a kick out of this story like I did. I have no problems with bandits. I think they make the game more interesting. But that doesn't mean it's not fun to get revenge when you can.
  4. Sandwichx

    Satisfying Revenge on a Bandit

    Oh it was. After I died, I walked away from the game with a smile. When I came back, like an hour or so later, my character had somehow come back to life in the building where I died. I didn't have an items on me, and my body was gone, but I was able to loot the building and leave the city with a fair amount of loot.
  5. Sandwichx

    Silly string guns.

    Yes, yes, and yes!
  6. Sandwichx

    Heli crash site loot

    Loot has been known to spawn underground around helicopter crashes. If you swing your cursor back and forth around the helicopter, you might find extra stuff you can't actually see.
  7. Sandwichx

    DayZ Bounty Board

    The biggest problem I see with this is that we have no idea who anyone is. There are no name plates above people's heads, and when you died, it doesn't say who killed you. I think this would be an interesting idea though. However, I think it should be a player create system. You, or someone else, should set up a thread where people can go and set bounties on people. I think that is the whole point of this game. Player created content. It is up to us to make our own fun in the game.
  8. Maybe I'm just lucky, but the worst glitch I've experienced was a zombie who ate my legs through some stairs as I was walking down them. The zombie was under the stairs, and as I was walking down them, he reached through and broke my leg. He then proceeded to eat me through the stairs. Good times.
  9. Sandwichx

    Your First Life

    I've seen someone drag a friend to safety in a gang war type situation. It was two clan who were having a shoot out. One guy goes down, so his buddy run into the fire and drags him behind a tree to bandage him up.
  10. Sandwichx

    Your First Life

    The way I see it, if they shoot first, you are never in the wrong to kill them.
  11. Sandwichx

    Slow movement issues

    Relog. That is the only way I've found how to fix it. It sort of like if you double-tap left shift to walk, but it doesn't fix it if you do it again.
  12. Sandwichx

    Your First Life

    That is hilarious! At least this person had the courtesy to give you a hilarious death. Most people would rather shoot from the sidelines and never show their face. I would be thanking this person if I met them. As for my first life. I don't really remember. I think I spawned near Cherno. I ran to the nearest building and saw some zombies. I crouched, but I was unsure what their sight range was. I tried to crouch run to the building, but ended up aggroing like eight zombies. Needless to say, my noob-self got eaten alive. I think I went like five lives before I even found my first hatchet.
  13. Sandwichx

    Satisfying Revenge on a Bandit

    It was revenge because I couldn't really care if I die, so it doesn't really bother me much. However, he got murdered by zombies for being stupid. I think that's pretty satisfying revenge. Also, I feel like I sort of led him into killing himself. I let him shoot at me for the sole purpose of him using up his ammo. The zombies killing him was just a plus.
  14. Just be happy you had friends there who could pick up your stuff and/or watch your body.
  15. Sandwichx

    DayZ Trade

    Where does it say that you need a fee to enter? I don't remember seeing that anywhere.
  16. As the other guy said, right click the hatchet. Press "remove from toolbelt". This will move it to your weapons slot. Remember to reload it though. Yes, the hatchet needs to be reloaded when you equip it.
  17. Sandwichx

    How do I remove a map marker?

    Open the map, put your cursor over the marker, and press the "Delete" button. I'm pretty sure it's "delete". If it's not "delete", then try "backspace". It's one of those two.
  18. Sandwichx

    DayZ Trade

    I would like to point you to these links. Freeside Trading Co. And their event going on this weekend Note: I do not work for or represent the Freeside Trading Co. in anyway.
  19. Sandwichx

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Keep holding the fort guys. I'll come by tomorrow later in the day(US CST). I'll bring goodies for all. I will fill my inventory will food, soda and medical supplies. Expect me to be the guy with the crowbar.
  20. Sandwichx

    How does item/zombie spawning work?

    No. Zombies can and will spawn on areas that do not have loot. For example, random buildings in towns that don't have any loot in them still have zombies spawns around them. Also, zombies will spawn on players. I've had it happen several times. I've been near dog houses where the zombies will spawn inside the dog house, and then proceed to aggro on you and eat your face. I've also seen zombies spawn inside shacks and the like. For the most part, zombies will not spawn inside buildings. Unless it's a farm. At least one of the zombie spawns at farms is inside them. Also, if you watch zombies spawn, for the most part, they spawn in groups, then wander around aimlessly. As for the hatchet, that is pretty much the only "primary" weapon I use. If you practice with it, it becomes the best zombie killing weapon in the game. Not so much for other players though. But that is why you always keep a spare revolver.
  21. Sandwichx

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    I'd come join you, but I'm on the other side of the map, and I have stuff in my inventory I need for an event tomorrow, and I'd rather not die and lose it all.
  22. Well, I wasn't sure if other people would just find it annoying. Edit: Also, I've seen you use the term several times, but what is ROE? I Googled it, but there were several things that came up. Edit 2: Never mind, I'm an idiot. Of course I know what ROE is.
  23. Would I be shot if I came in and started giving away a bunch of free soda, acting like I'm one of those guys at ball games that walks around the crowd selling peanuts? After I died, I found a building that had about 30 soda cans in it(spawned naturally), so I filled up my inventory with them and came up with idea of giving away free sodas at your event. I might just expand the idea and run around Chernarus, giving away sodas.
  24. Sandwichx

    How to tell when youve been murdered?

    That's not true. There a lot of glitches that will cause your character to randomly die. One of the most common ones has to do with trees. Putting things nears trees, like tents or vehicles can cause you die randomly when you try to access them.
  25. It is sort of sad to see such a great thing be ruined. It's like some people just can't stand when others are having fun. Personally, I don't mind dying, since it let's me experience the game again, but I don't like to see other people's fun ruined. I use the Freeside servers because I know a lot of the people on there are nice and won't shoot me for no reason, but then this happens.