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About zcope@msn.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. zcope@msn.com

    US 651 - Hacking/Cheating of some kind

    Minimiumiu confimed for being a hacker, running around with an akm while invisible. We killed his friend he freezes the server and kills us all. He was also standing on the island with the lighthouse south of Elektro with 2 non legit vehicles.
  2. zcope@msn.com

    US 651 - Hacking/Cheating of some kind

    So thats why the server went down about 20min or so before we got you
  3. zcope@msn.com

    US 651 - Hacking/Cheating of some kind

    Nah we recently joined this server, heard someone complaining in the lobby about this thread so i came to have a look. according to the IRC chat, soldier clothing is still a dodgy item but its cool ;Dleast there are other people playing on this server
  4. zcope@msn.com

    US 651 - Hacking/Cheating of some kind

    scroll over the dead body and click study, it says this is the body of <name> they died of <blank> there are 3 corpses around the broken heli
  5. zcope@msn.com

    US 651 - Hacking/Cheating of some kind

    Well the good news is, there is no need to complain about the chopper as i just shot it down killing jrock, Coby and Foxhound ;) Also one of the bodies had soldier clothing not sure who, I didn't check after going back it was JRock's body so there is something dodgy happening