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Wisp (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Wisp (DayZ)

  1. I've never been able to understand why gender issues come up so often in the context of DayZ. Granted, there's a large community, and topics of all sorts tend to be discussed, but here's what I don't get:


    There are much larger, much more important, and much more relevant battlegrounds out there right now for equality. The LGBT and racial equality movements, feminism (the non-radical kind), etc. are all alive and well in the world today, and making incredible strides. There are battlefields out there where advocates like you are desperately needed to support us, and we need all the help we can get, no matter how small.


    So why, then, spend time discussing gender issues in the context of DayZ itself? Why not make a post in the political section, find an article particularly egregious, and discuss that? If you're truly interested in making people think and changing their minds (because believe me, there are plenty of bigoted individuals around here, mostly due to lack of education) then why phrase your argument as something so irrelevant to the larger issues, and as such, easily dismissable by your opponents on the surface without even getting to the meat and potatoes?


    If you check out some of the other threads I've used this account to post in, you'll find that there's definitely a battle to be fought here. It's just not about the game itself, in the slightest; but more so about the playerbase.

  2. Lol its good to see that people here' date=' unlike in RL, actually agree that this "gender mainstreaming" BS is... well, BS.


    Well, uh, no. It's not BS. Rights are rights; that's why I oppose radical feminism (which can sometimes be an odd position for a transgender person). It's important that everyone has rights. All humans.

    It's actually the other way around - HERE it's BS.. IRL, it's sort of important. It's a matter of choosing the proper battlegrounds where peoples lives are actually going to be affected.

    That's, uh.. not.. here.

  3. What is wrong with swapping gender on a whim? It's not a choice the developer should force' date=' it's an individual's choice. What if I decide that I want to be the other gender once. [/quote']

    Um. If you can find me a transgender person that wants to swap *back*, let me know.

    Also, where did the LGB in your post come from?.. Isn't this sort of.. about..?

    Moreover, let's define a few terms here:

    Sex: The biological/physical aspects of male/female

    Gender: The mental/societally perceived aspects of male/female

    You choose your /sex/ in DayZ merely to change the following things:

    - What skins you can wear (because these are models, and there are mostly male ones right now because that's what ArmA has)

    - What noises you make

    That's it. It's really not that big of a deal. If a transgender person like myself were to run across this game, in all likelihood, they'd pick the gender they /wanted/. So why does it matter to you? This is not exactly the most important fight out there, so why do you choose it?

    It's NOT some grand political statement by the gamemaker, it's a gameplay mechanic that happens to be wrapped around the way the ArmA engine and DayZ's manipulation of it works, because it's the easy way out. I'd rather see Rocket spend time on meaningful features than creating a system that would allow me to swap my gender in-game. Seriously.

  4. I also might make note that unless rocket feels like implementing things like injectable testosterone and estrogen pillbottles (and anti-androgenic drugs I guess..) any transgender person in this particular zombie apocalypse would be screwed.

    Luckily it's a game, and we can actually, you know, select our gender before we're "born". Moreover there's a difference between sex and gender that you don't seem to be comprehending.

    (Rocket: Please don't implement horomones. Or if you do, make sure that they're all this guy can pick up. <3)

  5. Explain to me WHY rocket would go all this extra effort AND WARN PEOPLE THAT THEY CAN'T CHANGE THEIR GENDER?

    Because' date=' in the game, when you click what gender you want your character to be, the character is created with either a "0" or a "1" in the database file. This number cannot be changed later without breaking everything.

    As I said, you're an idiot. Please stop giving those of us who are actually transgender and actually fighting for our rights in the real world a bad name by influencing people to think we're like *you* .. idiotic. Your heart might be well-placed (.. maybe..) but you have absolutely no understanding. Of anything, evidently.


    This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I'm an actual programmer, and changing a table in a MySQL database isn't going to break anything. Or maybe just prompt the user every game play?

    Somehow I doubt you're actually transgender.


  6. Explain to me WHY rocket would go all this extra effort AND WARN PEOPLE THAT THEY CAN'T CHANGE THEIR GENDER?

    Because, in the game, when you click what gender you want your character to be, the character is created with either a "0" or a "1" in the database file. This number cannot be changed later without breaking everything.

    As I said, you're an idiot. Please stop giving those of us who are actually transgender and actually fighting for our rights in the real world a bad name by influencing people to think we're like *you* .. idiotic. Your heart might be well-placed (.. maybe..) but you have absolutely no understanding. Of anything, evidently.

  7. As a transgender person, sir, I officially declare your post the most retarded thing to ever exist on the internet.


    Simple solution for us folks: ... Choose the gender we want, and be done with it? Our characters don't live long enough to worry about being transgender. Just saying. Food is probably higher on their priority list than how they're viewed by society.

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