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Everything posted by Hguin

  1. Hguin

    Patch 94444 Wrong CDKEY error

    [i have got it working this is what i did] Hello every one, i was able to find out for my self how to get dayz up and running! Here is my step by step guide: (NOTE: This is for steam users only!) 1.Make sure you have both games installed corectly. 2.Make sure you have ran both games at least to the menu. 3.Install six launcher, download six from here then update it so it installs dayz. 4.Then download both these This one and This one aswell 4.2 Then when downloaded run the patch, i know it might come up with wrong cd key but dont worry just continue, when it asks you a question about this may take a long time it needs to up date oa just click ok then just let it get to a 100% then press ok. 5.now with .bat file go to your arrowhead folder most likely its here: (NOTE: it deppends were you installed steam C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead When there drag and drop the .bat file in there and there we have it, when ever you want to run dayz just run that .bat file. Hope this helps.
  2. Hguin

    Patch 94444 Wrong CDKEY error

    I have it as well, i have installed both arma 2 and oa then played both of them. Then downloaded six launcher, updated that. I then ran six and installed dayz, then downloaded the 94444 patch an it came up with "Wrong CD KEY." Please help me! :huh: