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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Throughout my 8 days journey so far , never found another can except the one in my bag. =.= Anyway, Chuck Norris wants your Dew.
  2. I live in the deep forest very far up north in no-man's land and occasionally goes south to towns and barns for supplies but never the cities since i already have all I need from Cherno. Spends most of my time hunting and cooking raw meat staring at trees. I've only come across a few people but no gunfire exchange so far and most of them never spotted me. Always use the ALT key to look around your environment and crawl. Hiding below the dark leafs of pine tree provides good cover.
  3. That's pretty much what happened. It's unavoidable in its early alpha stage and will just keep getting worse for a while.. Problem is even bandits stop being bandits, they just kill for fun and leave your body there instead of looting you. It's not DayZ to them anymore, it's COD and Battlefield, they don't remember there is zombies in this game. There are still great bandits out there( that actually rob players and not shoot on sight unless threatened) and i truly respect them and would gladly give them all my beans. ;)
  4. Without server hopping snipers, "lol" player killers and hackers, DayZ could have been as immersive as Dear Esther.. just not right now since It's still in alpha stage so cross fingers for an awesome experience when it finally becomes a standalone product. ;)
  5. Day 7... bo(a)red. Gather water for my canteen, killed a boar, cook some meat, sat down, stare at trees and *yawns*
  6. And here i thought were good luck charms for some players. ;)
  7. You can have my beans! :) I have a friend killed the other day near the coastline when he just started DayZ. They didn't even bother to loot him. Definitely not a good impression for new players.
  8. X2 :thumbsup: This is a real bandit:
  9. I have only one and it will be the last thing I'll consume if i ever ran out of water supply. B)
  10. resident_leeonheart@yahoo.com


    Need more people like you in the game. :)
  11. Now if we could just expose Angry Joe and his Angry Army to this game it would be epic-er! ;)
  12. i really hope Rocket is observing those cheaters forum like the one here: http://forums.damncheaters.com/showthread.php?t=10207 and close the security loophole. Getting whacked by invinsible players with aimbots is far worst than server hopping snipers. :|
  13. Holy crap, he spawned a choppa just to chase that guy! :|
  14. I experienced similar situation quite often in Cherno and once in the Airfield. if they don't response I just point my gun at him/her and slowly walk away. i don't think any of us is willing to risk getting shot in the city. Still haven't been shot by a single bandit till this day and hope it stays that way. *prays*
  15. Now that's how a real bandit should behave. As a survivor, I wouldn't mind getting rob by this guy. ;)
  16. You're forgetting the "zombie apocalypse" part of the mod. Hey, hey, don't give them any ideas! :D (just kidding)
  17. Three brave unarmed guys trolling a sniper bandit trying to kill them. Good stuff.
  18. Nice~ they really deserved it. I hope you annoy them enough that they'll think twice before killing another survivor going about their business. You can have my beans.
  19. I never shoot on sight nor have i pulled a single shot on other players. I'm actually quite attached to my gear but even if i loose them/died, I can just restart with a new character maybe with a little "ouch!" to my heart. In the end it's just a game. No need to throw chairs at the monitor or banging the keyboard.
  20. More and more griefers and snipers doesn't care about the fact that this is a zombie apocalypse. They're aren't into immersion or making friends, they're just out to have fun and joy creating mistrust amongst other players.
  21. If I see tents with noone around( be sure to check the parameters around the tent for snipers) I'm sure to loot them for supplies. I actually got a few good weapons from tents though I'm not sure if it belongs to the bandits or survivors. Still killing other players is a big no-no to me. Like i said... this not some post apocalyptic world like The Road where everything has been burnt to ashes, the world in DayZ is still pretty much intact. The remaining humans will most likely stick together to survive than killing each other. The pvp is "mostly" for bored players, misconception of the apocalypse, griefers and those who enjoys the thrill of shooting other players without thinking this is a game about zombie apocalypse.