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About Richaye

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    California, USA
  1. Awesome! Still looking for more people.
  2. Hello, We are looking for a couple of more players to join us in DayZ Overwatch. We currently run as a 2-3 person group but we have decided that it's best to best run with a few more players. Only requirements would be to being +18, active daily, good connection/specs/mic, and teamspeak. If interested add me on skype or steam, richayee.
  3. Richaye

    LFG Mature/Skilled Preferred

    Still searching!
  4. I'm looking for a mature group of people to play DayZ/Wasteland with as well, preferably skilled players. I currently play a variety of games Battlefield 3/Arma 2/Planetside 2/DayZ/WarZ/Wasteland, looking forward to Arma 3 as well. -Looking for an 18+ group -USA PST -Teamspeak/Mumble/Ventrilo/etc. Add me on Steam, Richayee
  5. I'm looking for a mature group of people to play DayZ/Wasteland with as well, preferably skilled players. I currently play a variety of games Battlefield 3/Arma 2/Planetside 2/DayZ/WarZ/Wasteland, looking forward to Arma 3 as well. -Looking for an 18+ group -USA PST -Teamspeak/Mumble/Ventrilo/etc. Add me on Steam, Richayee
  6. We usually play with 2-4 people daily, we are looking for more people to play with. You don't have to be 18+, as long as you are not brain dead. We are experienced players. Must have a Mic/TeamSpeak Add me on steam if interested, Richayee Or leave a reply with your steam username so I may add.
  7. We usually play with 2-4 people daily, we are looking for more people to play with. You don't have to be 18+, as long as you are not brain dead. We are experienced players. Must have a Mic/TeamSpeak Add me on steam if interested, Richayee