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Everything posted by Aira

  1. Aira

    Simulating Morality?

    No one with a working brain loves to kill people, especially not if the human race is in serious thread.
  2. I'm not prepared :o Only weapon i have is a katana. And Hamburg would be fkn full of zombies^^ At least i could try to make it to the EDEKA with some survivors and wait for help^^ And yes, i would try to group up with survivors and not kill them on sight. Cause i'd feel lonely without anyone :( And than survive would not be worth it...
  3. Aira

    Spread The Word: Surrender Key

    Cool thing, i thought it would be some sort of Restart, didn't know it's an animation, i'll bind it thx :) + I like it you managed to bandit without killing. I'd rather be robbed than killed all the time -.-
  4. -Game model: Game purchase only. + maybe skins or stuff (League of Legends stylez) I loved it at GW and Arma 2 so far too. I really got rid of the monthly fee model, so it would be very sad, since i wouldn't play dayz than. With monthly fee i feel cheated, cause noone can tell me Blizzard or any other monthly fee game dev needs 13 Million $ / month to keep the servers running + do some bugfixes and stuff. And you still have to buy an expansion or other games for full cash like all the other games. Maybe 5€/month would be much better than 13€/month and i'd think about it, but i'd prefer just buying the game. But i would buy expansions or skins or things like this to keep the servers running and the game developing like in League of Legends things that don't affect gameplay in any way. And hell no! I don't like F2P + it would make cheating so easy... "What i got banned? *Create an other Account* Yay! I'm in again :D" -.- -Studio or Community: Umm... what is better :D Depends on the Studio i guess. I know both, studios creating a great Game everyone loves or Studios creating crap out of a good idea. But i don't know how community dev would work? -Servers: Official or P2P (Community if it would fit the payment model better) I personally don't like community Servers at most games :/ It's often a complete jungle of rules and restricions, on every server different. Just an example from other games: Pistols only Servers, only Sniper Servers, no Grenades Servers, no Vehicle Servers, Clan Servers, Deathmatch Servers, FFA Servers, Whatever rule you just mind Servers^^ Often there are more Servers with different rules/mods that it's actually hard to find a Server where you can play the game it's meant to be. Also you have to deal alot with "i am admin, i am the rul0r of the w0rld" admins and you can't check every Server and every Case as dev. Official Servers would give more control from dev side i think. But if it's too expensive i would be fine with Community Servers overwatched and with clear rules (or blacklist) like now too. An other thing i loved was the Peer 2 Peer model of COD:MW3. Group up with your friends or play solo, click join, wait, play. Simple. Someone leaves? Gets replaced by the system = Full game all the time. Would be cool for DayZ too cause i think it adds much to the game if the slots are full all the time and you don't have to search for a Server manually "oh wait i got one! *showing 35/40* *click* *connecting... the server is full* O_o *repeat 10 times*" -Kickstarter: wait...what the heck is this? °_° I leave this topic to someone who knows^^ Doing a great job so far and i'd love to buy a standalone DayZ. Love you Dev Team <3 Aira
  5. Aira

    LaDZ Night

    Maybe the definition of (closed) Clan is wrong here. She wants some friends to play with, and sure, she is allowed to search for other females. It's not just the Genitalia, it's the mainly the socialisation that makes a girl differ from boys. In most cases girls have girls as best friends and boys, boys. Why? Simply cause they feel in a much closer social field than with the other gender. Also everyone acts different in contact with the other gender, we can try to this with our mind, but its ultimately our instinct that is leading into this. So i think it's ok for girls looking for other girls to group up and have fun together. But i think the biggest problem here is the misleading language of the OP. I wouldn't use words like "let's show the shit how it's right" cause that's simply not true. There is no difference if girls or boys play games, only influenced by their education maybe in terms of if they like to kill or not and things like that but for sure males can have the same attitudes as females and vice versa. And there are some examples showing that girls can also have best friends without want any closer relationship, and boys too. But its rare due to the said instinct to achieve this situation. mainly if both have a girl/boyfriend already, the pressure of finding a partner is lower so they can concentrate on friendship. Given to the numbers of boys:girls it's the problem that often situation accur where 1 female is with 5 males and that often leads into a catfight of the males for the favor of the female^^ To avoid this it's normal that you want other girls so you do not have to deal with that topic. simple. If the numbers were more balanced and there were 5 girls and 5 boys it would be much easier for the whole group to focus on playing ; ) My 2 cents. Aira
  6. Aira

    Save me please!

    Still need help?