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Everything posted by Taelon

  1. My group was hoofing it last night around Stary running to Novy when we noticed something odd. One of our group ran slower than the rest. Were not talking he was slightly slower, this was noticeible. It came to a point that if we went into a creep run we would have to stop every 20 seconds and wait for him to catch up. He was not doing anything different in his running than us, nor was he carrying much of a different load than us, infact my load was heavier than his. We were all running with pistols in hand.
  2. Taelon

    Player running speeds

    Not so sure it was framerate. Recently this has begun to affect me also. Both players were running with M4A1 SDs. Both were stand running, both eaten recently, both framerates around 60ish. All i know was that were both running and I was falling behind. Even tried changing weapons to pistol and Wx2 to no avail.
  3. Got a UAZ a night ago and after trying and failing at the control system for a while we seem to have busted the headlights. Thought it was based around the body system but repairing the body had no luck. Any ideas if it is repairable? We have most parts in excess except the engines of course since were working on another vehicle in the stead.
  4. Taelon

    Repairing Headlights?

    I was driving in the dark. Basic reason I wanted the lights back. Driving around at midnight w/o any headlights means you hit a lot more shit. Also I noted I repaired the body but didn't get the lights back. Another note, As i was running through the things to repair I noticed that there are 6 slots for windshields but only 4 sets of windows on the vehicle.