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About Scrugz

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  1. They're still awfully glitchy. They attack and walk through pretty much everything. Walls, random obstacles, stairs, etc. They warp all over the place and crawl straight through some objects. It's completely game breaking and, to me, needs to be a primary thing to focus on for upcoming updates. The path finding in general is FUBAR. While I'm at it, the bleeding is a bit ridiculous. Apparently every survivor in DayZ has paper skin and hemophilia.
  2. Scrugz

    This game is an ugly mess

    Eh, I think that the game is awesome so far. Yeah, player experiences right now aren't so grand, but I've ran into a few nice players and teamed up with them for awhile until I logged off. I agree that much more cooperation is needed for survival though. I understand your frustration at the bugs (though I haven't encountered most of the ones you're talking about), but I'm sure that they're working on fixing them. Also, I love spawning defenseless. It sucks when a player PKs you while you're helpless, though. But I think that having to cautiously sneak around zombies to get your first axe/gun is a fun and exhilarating experience. And it gives you that much more to lose when you die again, since you start with nothing. As for there being too many guns, I usually don't have much luck finding them. Probably because I only check small villages, barns, and deer stands instead of going to the big locations first.
  3. allbusiness, you fail to read posts correctly. Just because my idea does not match with yours doesn't mean you need to ridiculously over-exaggerate what I say and dismiss it. I understand that this game is about player interaction. But without zombies being a bigger threat (a common enemy, so to speak), the only player interaction is going to be shooting the player you're interacting with in the face. There is no reward for cooperation and surviving solo is too easy. As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The friends in question being the players, not the zombies :P
  4. I definitely agree with some of this. Zombies, as I've already said many times, need to be harder. I posted in detail about it here http://dayzmod.com/f...es/#entry266943. Something else that I've said in other threads, zombies in this game should behave more like the zombies from Left 4 Dead. They should swarm players and hitting players should slow them down, allowing for more zombies to swarm. Another thing to increase difficulty, blood should only be quickly regenerated by blood bags. At best, food should only help slowly regenerate blood. This would definitely encourage team cooperation. As a side note, bleeding from zombies should be lessened, but zombies should do more direct damage. Getting punched doesn't make you bleed everywhere. Unless their fists are blades or something and I just happened to miss it.
  5. I basically say this in every thread: zombies need to be more of a threat. As of now, they're not a threat at all once you have any sort of weapon. They need to have more health, do more damage, have farther hearing detection from gunshots, and actually swarm players and slow them down when they hit them. Left 4 Dead style. It should be extremely hard to survive alone. Also, shouldn't this be in the suggestions forum?
  6. Scrugz

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    Eh, I've pondered just killing people on sight before, but I never have. Heck I've never killed anyone in this game yet. Mainly because if they're not friendly they can just one-shot me and I'm definitely not going to shoot first. I find befriending people and buddying up much more fun than the possibility of killing other players. It's really satisfying to finally find a person to stick with for awhile and go into bigger cities and towns with and, to me, it's worth the risk of getting shot. I'd rather die in this game than be someone who kills on sight constantly. But that's how I want to play it, and other people are free to play it how they wish. As I've said in other threads, they need to make zombies the main enemy in this game. I'll do a rough quote of myself: It's DayZ for zombies, not DayB for bandits. Grouping up needs to have more incentives and being a lone wolf, particularly a lone wolf bandit, in a zombie apocalypse should be very, very hard to accomplish. Strength in numbers is how it should be.
  7. Read through this and the thing that I definitely agree with is that zombies need to be much more of a threat. I find it essential to the game that they get harder. It's DayZ after all, the Z obviously standing for zombies. Not DayB for bandits. Also, I think that players should be able to customize their appearances in DayZ someway or another. Everyone looking alike gets confusing.
  8. Scrugz

    Incentive for not being a bandit?

    I my opinion, there should be no punishment for bandits. Zombies just need to be much harder and should have more swarm tactics. Zombies need to be a very high threat in this game to encourage player cooperation, instead of people wasting ammo on other players only to reveal their locations to the zombies.
  9. Scrugz

    Blood Regeneration

    Here is how I think it should work. The total amount of blood a person can lose before death is around 40%. So let's say that the 12,000 blood we start with is that 40%. So, in total, we have 30,000 blood in-game. A person generates roughly 1% of their total blood per day so if you were at 6,000 blood in-game, you'd generate a base of 240 blood over that day, with the rate slowly increasing as you get more blood. So realistically, this feature wouldn't help you too much.
  10. Scrugz

    Zombies are OP ATM

    I find no problem with them hitting while running. But are you sure that you weren't crouch running? When I do that they can hit me while I move, but when I do a full-on sprint, they seem to not able to. Also, does anyone find it dumb that zombies knock you unconscious? I think that they should instead have a chance to grab you, Dead Rising style. Yeah the LOS is pretty wonky now, but almost everything about the zombies is. I really hope that the devs start to focus on polishing them more. But it's only alpha and I'm sure that they will in time.
  11. Scrugz

    Zombies are OP ATM

    Hmm, after further play, I have noticed that some zombies are aggroing from very far away. As far as I can tell though, it's some glitch with the new patch. Most zombies I've encountered act as normal, and I can crouch past them from pretty close distances. Also, zombies will be easier to handle once all their glitchyness is fixed (warping, poor animations, etc.)
  12. Scrugz

    Zombies are OP ATM

    I haven't had problems with zombies, only players. 95% of my deaths are from them, when I'm unarmed of all things. Zombies do not need to be nerfed at all. Once you get even a fire axe they're extremely easy to dispatch. If you aggroed one from 75+ meters while prone, it was probably a glitch, which this game is full of.
  13. I definitely think that random zombies in ghillie suits along the outskirts of forests would be awesome. It'd be freaky to be running to the woods, thinking that you're safe, only to have a ghillie suit zombie pop out from near a bush/bundle of grass and attack you.
  14. Scrugz

    Zombies running

    I completely disagree with point one. Have you played Left 4 Dead? The zombies move similarly in that, and it makes it more of a challenge. Point two, though, I agree with. They currently move ridiculously fast. Zombies have been buffed? I didn't see it in the changelog thread. But if so, good, they need buffs anyway.
  15. I definitely agree with a lot of this. This game should have more incentives for cooperation and more risks for not.