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Everything posted by Sephith

  1. Sephith


    the problem with takistan is that its smaller and at the same time the towns and villages are even further spread out, couple this with the inherant lack of vegetation and a much more mountanous terrain and you have a map that would be really boring for dayz, the problems that people have with pvp would only increase as there wouldnt be a whole lot else to do and you could see people no problem from 2k meters, zargabad would be a better option from a city standpoint (prob about 2x the size of cherno and every building is enterable), but that map is incredibly small and would only be suited to like 10-15 players max. ...maybe they SHOULD implement zargabad now that i think of it, have servers that want to focus more on PVP be running zarg and servers that want to be more survival running chernarus... hmm... i actually kinda like that idea...
  2. in all honesty if/when dayz becomes a standalone project, if they changed to a different engine i would more than likely lose interest. when you break it down dayz is just arma with some scripts thrown in, and thats just the magic of arma, its whatever you want to make it into, thats why its such a powerful sim, and also why it has had such a niche following through the years, most people just want to buy a game and play it, and to really appreciate arma you have to be willing to take the time to learn how to bend it to your will, most people dont do this, but every now and then someone makes something really cool and the community oohs and ahs at it, but this time around when someone did something really cool word spread like wildfire outside of the community and everyone and their brother bought arma JUST for dayz. to me, as an arma/OFP vet, dayz on any other engine would only be dayz in name, personally i hope it does go stand alone, but stick with the building blocks that the arma engine provides, otherwise i think it moves to far into the territory of being a totally different game altogether, and in a video game industry that is absolutely saturated with zombie games the risk of losing the unique feeling of the game and just becoming another zombie game is too high IMHO. my 2cents
  3. stop spamming the forum with the same thread over and over, your threads are not dead or killed, theres just no one that wants to trade, take that as a hint
  4. Sephith

    Spawned in Debug Zone

    i have this problem as well, logged into server, lost my camo, still have my gear, and out in the debug zone
  5. Sephith

    Camo, Ghille suits

    yeah i logged in today to find my character no longer wearing his camo outfit and spawned way outside of the map, so... yeah im gonna wait for a hotfix or whatever before i try relogging, losing the camo sucks but its not a big deal, now losing my M14, GPS, NVGs, and every tool you can think of, yeah that would piss me off a little bit. hopefully it gets sorted out soon
  6. Sephith

    Wilderness spawn after patching?

    same here, my camo outfit is gone, still have the rest of my gear, and just get spawned outside the map, is this an issue thats going to be fixed or am i gonna have to respawn? id really rather not lose my M14... anyone able to shed some light on whats up?
  7. Sephith

    Get rid of this mindset

    i do agree with you OP to some extent, ive been a follower of the franchise since the days of OFP:CWC, ive always been able to look past the flaws to see the gem thats buried in there, at the same time i recognize that its a pretty niche franchise and is by far NOT for everyone, and to be honest i think myself and most of the community (the old flashpoint and arma players) kind of like it that way, so it is a little distressing to see it receive so much press and selling the way it is over a single mod, the community thrives because its a small relatively tight knit mature community, and this sudden HUGE influx of players stands to jeopardize that, so im torn, on one hand i want to see the arma community thrive and expand, but on the other hand i want the dayz players to play it, get tired of it, and move along. in the end dayz is a very good thing for the arma franchise and BIS, not such a great thing for the arma community, if that makes sense. and as a side note, to those thinking that the engine for Arma 3 is going to be leaps and bounds better than the one were playing on now, boy do i have some news for you, it will have some upgrades, some tweaks and some new features but its still going to be the same engine prone to the same problems, its been like that forever. take it coming from someone thats been in this from the start, its not gonna be THAT big of a leap past what were playing now.