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Ruthless Raptor

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4 Neutral

About Ruthless Raptor

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Some admins are just douchebags.
  2. Man this forum is full of douchebags
  3. Ruthless Raptor

    Any one has a trick to respawn?

    Yeah, the trick is to place the cursor in the right spot so it will move straight to respawn when you hit escape the third time. You're in the water, so it's probably not right above your head which is the default spot. Just try it a few times and get the right spot. EDIT: It definitely works, I can get it pretty much first go every time
  4. Ruthless Raptor

    Any one has a trick to respawn?

    Put the cursor just over your head, so its in line with the respawn button, but to the right of it. Hit escape twice, then on the third time quickly left click just after you press escape again. It takes good timing but it works when you get it right.
  5. Ruthless Raptor

    Return of the CZ 550?

    When I first began playing, I found that CZ 550's were actually quite common in barns and some other areas. However, all of a sudden they pretty much disappeared. I only saw one over the course of a month or so. Over the last couple of nights, they seem to have returned. I've seen about 4 in under 24 hours!
  6. Ruthless Raptor


    Dont get this patch yet. None of the servers are joinable at the moment,
  7. Ruthless Raptor

    Looking for a few more

    Holy shit, give it a rest mate. If you don't like the sound of the clan, don't join, simple as that. The thing that's pretty ironic is the fact that the biggest douchebag in this thread, by quite a large margin, is yourself.
  8. Ruthless Raptor

    SoC (Shadows of Chernarus) australia

    I'm fully geared out. MK 48 mod with plenty of ammo, NVG's, almost full tool belt, backpack full of meds. Pretty keen to join a bandit group. I'm a 19 year old kiwi who is pretty good at this game.
  9. The fact that someone is pissed about getting outdone by bandits and is now broadcasting their position for petty revenge is interesting to you? This kind of thing just detracts from what DayZ is about. A mod should know better.