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Everything posted by mrbravo66

  1. This is pretty good server guys, Would give these guys a chance!
  2. Can I add you on skype? It be appreciated would like to talk about the server and such, thanks eddybravo2654 is the name for skype.
  3. Is there any chance cross airs will be turned off?
  4. I would like to join, add me on skype "eddybravo2654" I am looking for a server with my team I would really like if you added me on skype, thank you
  5. Can I add you on skype? I really want to ask some questions I want to bring me and my team with me to your server, Please respond ASAP, thank you
  6. I would like to join, can I add you on skype I would like to discuss some things? eddybravo2654 is my skype
  7. Hey I would like to join, add my skype "eddybravo2654" please add me ASAP I would love to talk about the server and get some details
  8. Can you give me some help? maybe go on skype? I need help with the server and it is getting annoying. Thanks
  9. No idea I am having this problem, I hope someone answers this question because I am stuck!
  10. Hello! We are a server host to BtD. We are people who want to provide a good server, free of hackers and want to make the servers a enjoyable experience for all of you. We have a private private hive for Utes and a private hive for Lingor Island. We provide regular admin support for both servers and if you get any problems you can see me or any of the other admins. Any questions can be asked at my skype at "eddybravo2654" or on teamspeak at with no password so you can just join. http://forums.brotherstildeath.com/ If you want to join look for the name "BTD" in your filter but look in game or you might not find it. If you want an IP address then they will be below: - Private - Utes map - This map will be changed once the Chernarus map is fixed with Vilayer - password is Onetwo3 - Private - Chernarus- password is dayzbtd If you are caught cheating in any way, shape or form you will be banned warned once, temp banned or perm banned depending on circumstances and what you did. We want to be strict on cheaters. We don't like them and we want fair play. Please leave your comments and I hope to see you soon! :D any questions don't forget to add my Skype :)
  11. I think that the longer you scope better the accuraccy
  12. Hello! We are a server host to BtD. We are people who want to provide a good server, free of hackers and want to make the servers a enjoyable experience for all of you. We have a private private hive for Utes and a private hive for Lingor Island. We provide regular admin support for both servers and if you get any problems you can see me or any of the other admins. Any questions can be asked at my skype at "eddybravo2654" or on teamspeak at with no password so you can just join. http://forums.brotherstildeath.com/ If you want to join look for the name "BTD" in your filter but look in game or you might not find it. If you want an IP address then they will be below: - Private - Utes map - This map will be changed once the Chernarus map is fixed with Vilayer - password is Onetwo3 - Private - Lingor - password is dayzbtd If you are caught cheating in any way, shape or form you will be banned warned once, temp banned or perm banned depending on circumstances and what you did. We want to be strict on cheaters. We don't like them and we want fair play. Please leave your comments and I hope to see you soon! :D any questions don't forget to add my Skype :)
  13. mrbravo66

    BtD private hive servers!

    bump one last time
  14. mrbravo66

    Hey guys

    Hello everyone! I am Eddy Bravo. I have stories to share with you all... but I want to share them with you.. in videos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VK-7C7U2m1Q&list=PLhxLJP4S7ZckJ4cPvHwumhrUBWBHpWS7Z&index=1&feature=plcp I hope you watch my videos. I am also recruiting as well http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98581-mountain-marksmen-are-recruiting/ I hope you watch my videos and give me constructive feedback :)
  15. mrbravo66

    Hey guys

  16. mrbravo66

    BtD private hive servers!

    bump one last time tonight
  17. mrbravo66

    Hey guys

  18. mrbravo66

    DayZ squad play video

    Great video! I subscribed and left some comments on youtube. [Possible spoilers] You left your in game audio on when you talked. Try cutting that out and you should of waited to see if the chopper landed and your budy shouldn't of sat in the car. I think you did well but just a lot of disagreement to. If you want to team up I am more than happy to. We could make an alliance or make a full team. Up to you it could take some discussing.
  19. mrbravo66

    M24 & M16A2 (Fire station Appreciation)

    Well I once went to a firestation and got shot at by some snipers, then went up to bandit hill in elecktro and seen some players running off. I stalked for some time but got shot down after losing them and running in the open xD
  20. Hello everyone we are the Mountain marksmen and we are a DayZ group and we need members! We want a serious group of course and a group that is going to be of good quality and I will get to a list soon. Don't worry nothing to much just we are looking for a good team.. you know how it feels when you get some 12 years old with hacked in AS50s running round Cherno? Yeah I do to it is annoying! So anyway here is a list - Team worker - Co-operative - Good at shooting - Knows the game well enough (We will offer some kind of training if needed) - Doesn't just kill for the sheer fun but for good reason - Listen to commander (don't worry we are still a democracy but final words on the commander are final so follow those orders!) - At least 16 but we are willing to make exceptions as long as you are mature enough and know the game etc... I hope you consider joining please leave a comment down at the bottom or add me straight to my skype at eddybravo2654 or my steam at joshuaharburn and my nick name is Eddy Bravo. Please get back to me soon and I hope to see some responses and some people joining! -Eddy Bravo *EDIT* We also play on both private and public severs so if you want to sign up to the private hive then please go to http://survivedayz.c...orums/forum.php to sign up!