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Everything posted by mrbravo66

  1. mrbravo66

    DayZ Server

  2. mrbravo66

    DayZ Server

  3. mrbravo66

    DayZ Server

    Oh right, well my mistake anyway, I am sure a mod will move this if or when he sees it.
  4. Doesn't surprise me there are more bandits than heroes honestly..
  5. mrbravo66

    Idiot people

  6. mrbravo66

    Looking for a partner or small group.

    If you want to join my clan we are a serious clan (I wont fancy this message up, it's going to be blunt and honest.) and we are skilled, and a fair clan, Add my skype, I will ask you a lot of questions, you can ask me a lot of questions "eddythegamer". We will welcome you with over arms into our clan! :)
  7. mrbravo66

    Looking for a partner or small group.

    Quite a horrible clan if you shoot on sight, but that's normal DayZ for you I guess, full of kids under the age of 12 trying to pass off as over 16, well done.
  8. mrbravo66

    Looking for a group!

    We are clan of mature, serious players looking to recruit some DayZ players, we play on a couple of other mods as well on DayZ to which you might be interested in, please add me if you are interested, my skype is eddythegamer, if you don't have skype, get back to me and we can talk on teamspeak or something :)
  9. mrbravo66

    Being a Hero

  10. mrbravo66

    Being a Hero

    Indeed he does goor sir B)
  11. Ok well since I just accidentally deleted my post I was just writing :( I would just rather put this short We are looking for a Elite group of players, If you feel you have the skills, PM me, We want good players and a selection of players to join, I would put requirements but I want to keep this short and simple, we need you, so please, send me a PM if you want to be a part of this We will come down from our Mountain, and stalk our pray till we steal their loot! Kill or be killed people! To Defend alone you cannot win, to win you must attack! PM me now!
  12. Hey guys, I dunno where to put this, so if you can give my your opinion that be fine, if this is in the wrong place you can remove this, stop people commenting or move it to the correct place, so here goes - A couple of my buddies died, just 5 people on, 4 of which where my team, both of them died. Now my feelings on that are how did he manage to find them? It could be luck so I didn't mind I was a bit angry though, my friends said they seen hits but wasn't enough to kill so I was like "ok fair enough" we tracked him down and chased him to a town, he stopped, fired his RPG and all that fire fight business but I Shot my EBR right into his upper chest, he started bleeding like a god damn tap (DMR rounds hit) and he never dropped. He seemed very careless during this and he stopped outside of a building to shoot at us in front of a field. He seemed very risk taking and very calm. I feel to support this from what happened he was alone, went off in the Vodnik he took from us and he sat at the end of the road and waited for us, I don't understand how he could do this with probably less then 4000 blood and decide he is going to sit there and such risk and get such accurate shots on us during the chase (we got our car and drove after him but he manage to get me when I was out super accurate, my shot was pretty close but I was shaking if I am honest). He didn't run off for his life, considering he almost died. This person has also been banned for hacking in the past on the server and hack messages have came up but are to be suspected to be back ground applications. I just want some opinions, I want no wars or fights or anyone who knows this story to start getting angry, I just want to know if I am wrongly thinking of this or I have right. I am not trying to get no one in trouble since I mentioned no names at all. If people think he was or wasn't hacking either way I wont take this any further unless I can bring up some evidence to support this or the admin is extremely keen to take it on for some reason. Thanks for reading and taking the time to do so -Eddy If this is badly explained, sorry I am feeling pretty tired so I didn't put an awful lot of effort to make it understandable, I will edit if I mis-worded anything. This is on a custom server by the way called Hardcorps.
  13. mrbravo66

    I just need some normal response

    Oh right xD sorry I scared you! Glad you realised it wasn't real life xD
  14. mrbravo66

    I just need some normal response

    I'm confused to what you mean, but ok! :)
  15. mrbravo66

    I just need some normal response

    Thanks for the responses, I put this on hard corps forums to, totally different responses, I have to consider taking it up with the admins of the server, just I have no proof, and so many things need to be taken into consideration, so yeah.
  16. mrbravo66

    Looking for a clan with roleplaying

    You can join my team if you want :)
  17. mrbravo66

    Are All "Hackers" Bad?

    The wonders of google my friend :)
  18. mrbravo66

    Elite Squad Recuitment

    Real name:Edward Bravo Skype name:eddythegamer (GMT) timezone: Not sure I will check IGN:Eddy Bravo Age:19 I have been looking for a team of really good players for a very long time, I have tried something like this my self, so I want to give this a try, I can lead and I for once want to just join a group and see how it goes, I know some good servers if you guys don't have one. I want to play for a while to see if this group is going to be Elite to, looking at this post for an Elite group I have high standards to see this work and to see us all do well with minimal casualties. Sniper X (If the type of sniper has a zero on it I will be fine) 'Heavy X Assault X C.Q.B X Medic X Engineer X (Not to hard to get a toolbox and repair some parts) Additional information: I have been playing since around July I think last year and I am very versatile, I am worst in being a sniper and not tried medic but I can defiantly do almost anything you ask me to do. If I had to pick only one class though and the one I was best at it would be being Assault and using assault rifles. I am a team worker and a leader. I am a good player if I may say so my self and I have had a tonne of experience with this mod. Please respond ASAP!! :)
  19. mrbravo66

    Roleplay group

    Hey all, I wanted to try and get people to try and do some roleplay group with me, I thought it be a lot of fun and good to try out. You must take this seriously and take it like you were playing yourself or a another realistic charecter, I would like all of us to start from scratch gear wise, if you have basic gear, tell me what it is and if it fits and your gear isn't much we can make the exception, please PM me if you want to join, if you don't have an account but would like to join please add my skype "eddythegamer" !!! :)