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Everything posted by mrbravo66

  1. mrbravo66

    Need guille suit (trade)

    Well let me trade with this other guy and if he gives me NVGs maybe I dunno yet I might give them to you for you gullies but if not I will get some more NVGs tomorrow hopefully.
  2. mrbravo66

    Need guille suit (trade)

    Yeah I do and what other things might that be?
  3. mrbravo66

    Need guille suit (trade)

    How can I trust this? Sounds suspicious to me
  4. mrbravo66

    More cars...less gear

    I think even more TDM might come into play in a way that people will be even more desperate for items,food,water etc
  5. I was running through Cherno looking for guns on a fresh character and I had an Enn Field that I found in a bar in Cherno and I heard gunshots so I followed them. I at first heard AKM shots and moved towards them. I then heard Winchester shots. I heard again even more shots from an AKM and other guns so I kept following them. Checked the church, the bar near church, then as I walked near an ally to go on my way to fire station I see a dead guy with a Winchester. I decided to pick up his gun and avenge this man from what I knew at the time as 1 bandit. Me my self being a bandit I wanted some decent gear so I decided I wanted them dead anyway. So I head to fire station being careful and I search it and nothing is there and nobody is there. I hear more gun shots and I only assumed it was the market so I made my way around the back hoping they wouldn't expect me but they were both in the back room and luckily for me it had little windows that I could shoot through but it was difficult acctually getting them and I then discovered a second guy with a silenced weapons having no idea what it was but I think it was a MP5SD and so I run around the different rooms such as the front of the store and the back hall way running around. I did get shot at but no hits were landed or at least not deadly ones. I head outside to run around and I hit one of the men in the corners. I hit the AKM dude. Not sure if it was in the body or head I shot him and a few seconds later he died. I only had one left to kill. I decided I would go back round through the hall way and try and quickly pop a shot off from around the corner. I shot and hit him as i rushed around. I then killed him but still being cautious on a just in case situation. When looting the bodys I then found my self afterwards walking away (mentioning the good gear that is rare) with good kits also discovering that the guy who I thought had the MP5SD actually had a M4A1 CCO SD and I was going mental with the M4 guns being my favorite especially the M4 CCO guns. I walked away with NVGs, Range Finder, M4A1 CCO SD, M9 SD, GPS, and I was so happy walking away with such good loot. I will always remember this one time I follow gun shots i actually got rewarded instead of killed. At least I had nothing to lose :) Edit: I am sorry for badly written text. I struggle to write on a night + struggle to explain things. I hope this is still readable and you all enjoy this. Almost removed this to hate but I got the band of people who like this. Thanks for the beans all! Hope you enjoyed reading! please leave comments I love reading peoples feed back! :)
  6. mrbravo66

    My story of getting great loot

    Oh right I didn't know thanks I will have a look round for that
  7. mrbravo66

    My story of getting great loot

    Thank you mate :)
  8. mrbravo66

    My story of getting great loot

    Thank you so much :) and also thank you for backing me up I was tired and excited so I decided to with haste, write this on the forums in case I forgot. You have my beans in return! :)
  9. mrbravo66

    My story of getting great loot

    Thank you for the beans mate! Much appreciated!
  10. mrbravo66

    My story of getting great loot

    Thank you man. I did get spawned killed with it all unfortunately the next day by a Winchester by chance. He must of crossed over my path as I logged off a bit but not to far from Electro.
  11. mrbravo66

    My story of getting great loot

    They killed a bunch of people if you must know + I am sure I am on bandit campfire ?
  12. mrbravo66

    My story of getting great loot

    No where near no. I feel like removing this I feel I am getting alot of hate :/
  13. mrbravo66

    My story of getting great loot

    What the hell is the point in even clicking on this to post that? Your really retarded I promise you
  14. mrbravo66

    My story of getting great loot

    Ok I feel like removing this. I dunno if your guys are joking or being dicks :/
  15. mrbravo66

    My story of getting great loot

    No it is late and I am tired and I written this otherwise I would forget lol
  16. mrbravo66

    Trading M24, M4A3 CCO

    doesn't matter I do not want to trade
  17. Stop whining about skins/morphing and yes we want a realistic as possible game. We all know it isn't as real as what we live now but we want a realistic "zombie simulation" we all know its a fucking game dumb ass I am not living my life in a zombie apocalypse or never can and for the base game arma 2 we don't want to go to war... I can't stress at you enough but people like you REEEEALLLY annoy me
  18. * Server this happened on. - US 1213 * Time that it happened including your timezone.- about 10PM UK time * What happened during the incident. - Well what happens was me and some people I met on game met up and we were in cherno tents and we found a rabbit on a recruit sever called " " rabbit and we killed it and found NVGS ,meat,binocs and GPS. I picked them up and went WOAAAH no way and then dropped them knowing they were hacked in for sure. The bunny spawned there again exactly same name but " " Also then some people were shooting at us unsure if they were players or the bunny rabits buds coming to get us. I hope this helps and any other information needed I can supply and hope you get this hacker trying to abuse new players on recruit severs (I aint new which is why I knew for a fact it was hacked in)
  19. Yeah man it sucks it really is :/ now a hacker tried making me fall from sky but left in just in time lol
  20. Looking for nemo then going to back stab him for his gear haha xD
  21. mrbravo66

    Trading M24, M4A3 CCO

    I will give you what you need
  22. mrbravo66

    Trading M24, M4A3 CCO

    I do but if your going to give me such items come alone as I don't want to be killed for them
  23. I feel that it be a great idea if there was player customization and depending on how you customize him depends how your character performs. If your character is fat he is slow but also has longer limits on food and depending if you starve enough and how you exercise your character or sit around eating all lazy depends on what happens. Leave a comment on what you think
  24. mrbravo66

    Player customization (ideas for the future)

    I was thinking really detailed but basic to use kinda thing. I think that would of been a good idea personally
  25. mrbravo66

    Player customization (ideas for the future)

    Yeah I do honestly think this would be a great idea. I always wanted something like DayZ to come out and I would love to help develop something like this once I get into college and university on game design. Would be great but I do hope on a stand alone game rocket puts detailed features in such as this :)