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About Wizzturd

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Wizzturd

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    I'd still be playing. Honestly, I feel like I do better on Expert servers.
  2. Wizzturd

    Gaming mouse/keyboard suggestions

    I have the razer black widow ultimate. Damn good keyboard. I love it. the mouse I use is a G9 it's pretty good. the Razer Taipan looks godly. I love my mice fast though, so it might be a little much for others.
  3. Wizzturd

    Can I axe you a question?

    I couldn't help it! I had to do it :P
  4. Wizzturd

    Can I axe you a question?

    I managed to sneak up on some looters during a streaming, and I had to axe em something :] For some fun times like this stop by my twitch, youtube, or join the guild at this site
  5. Wizzturd

    F.T.S.exy pic [F-T-S] (we got your back)

    Thanks! The guys who took the pictures worked really hard on them. They came out amazing.
  6. Used red Flares for the back lighting. No FX, 100% complete authentic in game screenshots. The pictures were taken by FTS (Fist Through Screen) guild members. If you want sexy moments like this in your DayZ experience feel free to apply at the guild website.
  7. For the love of god yes! Take this shit out!
  8. Wizzturd

    Epic Maneuver [Video]

    Sorry for the late reponse by the way!
  9. Wizzturd

    Epic Maneuver [Video]

    Ahh yeah! I was so pissed when I saw the jerk with my bike riding away :(
  10. Wizzturd

    Epic Maneuver [Video]

    I think it was a good attempt at life ha ha.
  11. Wizzturd

    Epic Maneuver [Video]

    Bike* :D Motorbike* :P I laughed when I saw the zombie train go by after the first jump though. :P
  12. Wizzturd

    Epic Maneuver [Video]

    Something I threw together real quick the other night. I thought the whole situation was pretty hilarious seeing as how I have a huge love for bikes in this game. I want to thank the guy who broke my legs for not killing me, and allowing this near epic moment to occur. :]
  13. Wizzturd

    Msg for noobs

    Side note I recently started watching your live stream lol
  14. Wizzturd

    What does Mountain Dew do?

    I've had one for awhile now. Its just a treasure.
  15. Wizzturd

    Having difficulty?? We got your back.

    I posted once before in this thread about how these guys helped me learn the basics of the game, and that they are a great group of fine gentlemen. That was me speaking after just meeting them. Now I've had the time to play with them for maybe a little over 2 weeks? Which is insane, because I've joined gaming groups before but never stuck with them. These guys are hilarious, helpful, fun to play with, and really just offer the best time I've ever had gaming. This isn't just for dayz either. I've really hit it off with a few of the guys and played other games with them. This is just a group of people you REALLY need to know if you're new or experienced in the game. Also, if you're having trouble starting the game and find if too challenging or hard to figure out this is the place to be. We take our time to make sure YOU LEARN HOW TO SURVIVE in the game. YOU WILL LEARN THINGS. You don't have to become a full member if you don't want too, we will still teach you how to play all the same. I'm almost positive by the end of your learning you'll want to stick around. I wish I had a cool story like the guys who have posted here, but honestly I find it hard to pick any one experience from my time with the guild. I have a new great one almost every day I'm playing with them. Although, there seems to be a moment where I recall hearing "enemy goat" once too often which was followed by chain gun fire from a chopper.....