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Everything posted by Mourek

  1. Hey I used to play on a server that got recently cancelled (EU10), We had our base and all that good stuff there. We're looking for a new server to play on, a server that's mostly full, not cheater infested, and most importantly a server that will stay alive for a little while. We've tried a few of the servers out there but most of them have either crosshairs on or you can see people on the map, or it's laggy as hell... Any tips on 3DP: ON, CH:OFF, Nametags: OFF, Stable,populated, not cheater infested european server without lags? thanks in advance :)
  2. The death is permanent, you just have to start attaching yourself to your character, zombie kill count and murder kill count a little more ;)
  3. It will go exactly like this, it's confirmed.
  4. Mourek

    AK-74 or M16A2

    AKs are no match for american weapons, they got nerfed. M16 all the way.
  5. Mourek

    Two Accounts with PMC

    I have both PMC and BAF on my accounts you have to verify them before you can play..
  6. 10/10 would laugh again especially some of the replies are hillarious...
  7. Mourek

    Full release - Map discussion

    Chernarus is big, but not big enough if you play the game for some time... Keep chernarus, open buildings, and add a new country or something
  8. Heh heh heh. I don't use Six launcher or DayZ commander. I've always done it manually and so far I've never had any major problems with the game.
  9. Mourek

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket it's not the barbed wire causing the problems it's the dead soldiers.
  10. Sup We've had alot of problems with tents over the past few days, the tents we have usually don't save their inventory, we've lost alot of rare weapons and SD ammo to this annoying bug and it's not the things we've lost that annoy me the most, but the time we've spent acquiring them. Before we leave our camp, we usually click "Save old camping tent" multiple times. When the server restarts, all stuff is gone. Are the tents currently broken or what? EDIT: The same thing is happening with items in vehicles, and the vehicles themselves! Server: EU10
  11. Mourek

    Kill compilation video (PVP)

    I hope you're not serious with that FMovie OP...
  12. Mourek

    Graphical Issues

    Berezino is fucked up... http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/1155423501613492373/F21A3D5BD3420D754F82D1527447F258185B8B71/
  13. Mourek

    Ghillie Suit / Backpack (Bug)

    lesson learned, always drop your BP before equipping a ghillie suit...
  14. Mourek

    Dayz on XBLA?

    oh boy, here we go!
  15. Mourek

    Bro Team : Day Z

    bro team never disappoints.
  16. Tents are still duping / removing items....
  17. Mourek

    Removing the respawn button sucks.

    Don't do that, my friend always went and got killed by zombies, but everytime he did that he spawned in Kamenka again :D. It's like the game knew you're trying to bypass it somehow. he did this 5 times btw and he spawned in kamenka everytime.
  18. Mourek

    I went to Cherno..

    uh... okay I guess.
  19. Mourek

    Off roading question

    The best vehicle to do some offroading with is UAZ, it can go up to 60-70 km/h with turbo in offroad. White pickup trucks are good too, only abit slower, motorbike has a terrible fuel consuption, but it's great offroad vehicle and it's pretty nimble, ATV is a better choice than the motorbike imo, fuel consuption is abit better than the mbks. it's also more durable,motorbike can just randomly blow up when you hit a bump ( don't ask )...
  20. No but I could try. Although I was thinking if you could get your hands on that info somehow, since you're in the dev team after all. :)
  21. Vipeax how do I know if the server I'm playing on has the newest server side update (0.7.2) If I don't own it....
  22. Well it wasn't my server. I don't own a server. http://www.gametrack...98.106.58:2502/ - this is the server it happened on if that helps.
  23. Tents are still NOT FIXED. I've just lost a bison and 7 mags on a server restart...