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Everything posted by Mourek

  1. Mourek


    shit, that gave me a good laugh.
  2. Mourek

    Go Prone .. Break a leg?

    welcome to DayZ man A: No
  3. Mourek

    Green mountain...

    Oh my god someone remove this thread or we'll all gonna die!!!
  4. This is a good guide, I always knew about the zombie spawn radius but this is new, thanks!
  5. Mourek

    How rare are NVGs?

    NVGs are not so rare, I've found plenty, mostly on dead players or crashed choppers, never in barracks tho. I've never ever seen SVD Dragunov.
  6. I'm sorry but most of the vilayer servers I've been on were very laggy. There are better hosters ou there
  7. Mourek

    You Assholes

    those delicius tears
  8. I do believe that they're fixed in
  9. Mourek

    Most intense firefight of my life

    good vid +2
  10. Mourek

    This needs to be an MMO!

    I'll just pretend I didn't read this thread, or else my jimmies would get rustled
  11. If you're not a dumbass you won't log off in a populated area. ALT+F4 much bigger problem, lost dozens of kills because of it
  12. try completely reinstalling it
  13. Mourek

    first murder

    This is actually a good DayZ story
  14. Mourek

    Wait for host

    I know that feel bro, some people say you can downgrade on older versions... but that probably won't work, we'll have to wait untill monday I guess
  15. If someone has a firearm I shoot him on sight, if not, I mind my own bussiness...
  16. Oh no. I got waiting for host as well... please roll out a hotfix
  17. Mourek

    How "safe" do you play ?

    I play with a condom so I play it pretty safe...
  18. Mourek

    Barbed wire everywhere...

    Firestation/Tent/Supermarket? The real fun starts when someone puts a tank trap in front of the barrack doors on NWA
  19. Mourek

    Rocket's overall plan.

    I gotta disagree on the fact that was more stable. Most of the servers I've been playing on have been running great, no lag at all and almost no desync, now it's the other way around, tons of lag and terrible desync in vehicles etc... The only good thing is that zombies are back ingame with their increased spotting radius.
  20. Mourek

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    Been there, done that.... It's no big deal really, dunno why everyone gets so fired up about player killing.
  21. Sup I had a ghillie suit and it disappeared, I know that it's the new patch that caused this, but what was the real cause? Did rocket remove it like he did L85 AWS or is it just bugged and the suits will continue spawning
  22. Mourek

    How did you discover Day Z?

    http://www.pcgamer.c...e-survival-mod/ this got me informed _________________________ !this made me buy Arma 2 : CO + DLCs
  23. Mourek

    The search for a cow..

    This happened to me once when I forgot that I had no food left, I ran for like an hour before I actually found a cow, my blood even started to disappear from the hunger, it was a very close call... ironically, when I don't need any meat, there are animals everywhere.