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Everything posted by Mourek

  1. Mourek

    Whats Your Favorite City?

    Berezino all the way, much safer than cherno or elektro and it has Army camp, hospital, 2 supermarkets and some apartments as well!
  2. Mourek

    fn fal vs. bison

    Bison is good only for silently killing zombies, otherwise it's a pretty shitty weapon. FN Fal on the other hand has outstanding accuracy and damage, ironsights are great too. If you're going to do some PvPing this is the gun for you.
  3. Mourek

    What do youy do if you see a player

    I usually let people go on the coast, if I see someone in the mainlands tho, distance doesn't matter, I'll try to hunt them down.
  4. Mourek

    My First Bandit Kill

    oh, coastal bandits. such a disgrace to us all.
  5. Mourek

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket, will you implement a new inventory system soon?
  6. Where are the baseball caps?
  7. Mourek

    Pending Update: Build

    This thread is like a cage :D We're the animals and rocket is the instructor... anyways Yeah, tents gotta be fixed ASAP This tent is not even mine, but every time I go to NEAF I visit it, and every time there are fresh sandbags, I've created this little fort for in a little bit over a week. Server EU10 btw
  8. Mourek

    Pending Update: Build

    They are gonna fix that, I can't wait
  9. Mourek

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket please give us your official statement on the state of the tents. They're not saving their inventory and when they do, they just dupe it everytime a server gets restarted. It's a gamebreaking for our clan.
  10. Mourek

    Pending Update: Build

    Will you fix the tents ? They're completely broken right now.
  11. Mourek

    What hasn't killed you ?

    rocks are bad, especially the ones at the black lake, my friend got stuck there on one of those rocks, I tried to help him but I got stuck too, we couldn't move at all, we couldn't even rotate our view. Just nothing. I minimized the game and I tried to look for solution, when I came back ingame, I accidentaly gave my friend a headshot from my M4 when he had NVGs, RangeFinder, L85 AWS and all the top tier shit. He got revenge on me tho :P I just couldn't get out so he had to kill me as well, while essentially took all his stuff back since I looted him, his corpse was right in front of me when I killed him :D.
  12. Mourek

    Most humilating death?

    I died when I tried to crawl under a crashed chopper, broke my legs, lost 9k blood, started bleeding and the hourglass I had went too slow. Lost a bunch of good equipment that day.
  13. Mourek

    Remove tents completely.

    The tents might as well be removed right now since they're not saving any equipment, and when they do, and you take it, it will be back there after a restart. Probably the biggest problem of DayZ if I'm not counting ALT+F4
  14. Mourek

    100% of people I've engaged D/C

    you guys should chill the fuck out, there should be a solution for the ALT+F4 problem in the next patch.
  15. Mourek

    Hilarious (Yet VERY annoying) even at LOTC 1.

    That was...weird.
  16. Mourek

    [VIDEO] Pulp Fiction meets Day Z

    made me laugh, here, have my beans.
  17. Mourek

    Things that annoy you in DayZ?

    vehicle inventory/tent/backpack inventory lags. glitches, duping...
  18. Mourek

    Finding my first helicopter crash site

    hell no that thing has horrid ironsights, M4 SD is much better for the job imo.
  19. Mourek

    Camp Griefing

    You can't compare barracks or miltents to player spawned tents.....
  20. Mourek


    This is what we saw when a player controlled chopper crashed near by, it's a glitch.
  21. I support this idea, golden revolver would spawn only in supermarkets and AK only barracks, spawnrate would be 0,01% Cheaters or dupers would ruin it tho, untill they're dealt with it would be just pointless...