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BobLeeSwagger (DayZ)

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About BobLeeSwagger (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. BobLeeSwagger (DayZ)

    New to the game, looking for surviving buddys

    I live in California, added you on steam: proudreaper
  2. BobLeeSwagger (DayZ)

    Looking for some friendly's =)

    Hey, add me on steam. I need some people to play with! steam: proudreaper nickname: Bob Lee Swagger
  3. BobLeeSwagger (DayZ)

    R4GE DayZ Clan. [Recruiting]

    First name: Chris Age: 21 TimeZone: Pacific Why you want to join: I'd like to play with a group of people rather than by myself as it gets boring. Games like this are always funner with more people, especially a solid group. Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest: 8 Do you have Teamspeak: No, but I could get it no problem. Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No): Yes. How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie): I've only played for about a week and half.