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About aaronra20@yahoo.com

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  1. aaronra20@yahoo.com

    How did you find DayZ?

    I found out about DayZ from DaSquirrelsNuts youtube channel. It's kinda depressing knowing that a lot of this community comes from CoD.. but I guess it makes sense. Made more sense to me that people from Battlefield made the crossover. Not to start a huge flame war here, I just never pegged DayZ as a run and gun shooter...
  2. aaronra20@yahoo.com

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yes.. Oh please god yes.. it's absolutely worthless! I agree with barricades, if the wire was easier to cut with a tool box and if it prevented zombies from passing through it, I would say leave it in. Perhaps in the standalone. But as it is now, please remove it.
  3. aaronra20@yahoo.com

    Your unluckiest/luckiest moments in DayZ?

    Luckiest moment(s) - Finding NVGs on the first helicopter crash site I discovered and then finding a coyote pack the first time I visited NW Airfield Unluckiest moment - spawned on a hill and fell to my death losing above mentioned loot.
  4. aaronra20@yahoo.com

    Absolutely disappointing playerbase

    The entire player base of the world of online gaming is an absolute disgrace. The majority of people I encounter in ANY game just makes me shake my head. I wouldn't single this game out. Someone nailed it on the head earlier, tryhards who can not accept losing and will do anything at their disposal to win, are the plague of the entire community. Cheating, exploiting and scripting become 'part of the game' for them and to defend themselves, they say "oh it's just a game, don't take it so seriously br0. trolololo" Cocky little douche-bags that ruin the gaming experience for other people. Yeah, it's juse a game. The point of ANY game, video game or not, is to have fun, be challenged and have a sense of accomplishment, whether you win or lose. I'm sure these are the same kids that cheated at board games growing up and had/have other kids do their homework for them. Their only sense of accomplishment is instant gratification without putting in any work or effort. Over time, they become bored with the game and move on to the next latest and greatest game to ruin more people's gaming experience. Any game that poses no challenge becomes boring. We're just catching waves of them. They don't care if they'll be banned or not, they can say they beat DayZ. Another type of douche-bag that plagues the gaming community are the griefers that only have fun at the cost of other's enjoyment. Often times still using cheats, but not always. But in DayZ, these are the server-killers, the teleporters, object spawners... They just get off on being a pain in the ass. These are the lowest form of scum in the world of gaming. They should have their larynx ripped from their throat, their fingers individually severed from their hands with a rusty steak knife and their balls processed through a meat grinder. Now I'm sure I'll be trolled upon by mr 'I'M SO HARDCORE I SHOOT PUPPETS ON A COMPUTER SCREEN" guy; you're just an idiot, that's all I'm going to entertain you with. Personally for me, getting on topic with some of the other posts here. Yes, Alt+F4 is lame, I consider it an exploit. I consider exploits cheats. I agree with people who say that if you can't handle a perma-death game, don't play a perma-death game. Yeah, having cool things is nice. I've had NVGs, I've had a coyote pack. I don't have them any more, but the fun of this game is the adventure that brings you to those awesome items. I can not get mad at starting over. Just last night, I was pretty well geared, at the NW Airfield, starting to get bored with only looking for new guns. Then I got killed. For the first time in over a week now, I popped back up in Elektro and had fun gearing myself out again. I don't think that anyone who feels any different should be playing this game. That's just like... my opinion.. man.
  5. aaronra20@yahoo.com

    Mass Server Kill - NF 1

    Just fell victim to another mass server kill.. Was on NF 1 Hosted by ShadowGaming.com.au at 12:23AM CST I tried taking a screenshot.. but not sure what the button is for in game screen shot, if any. I printed screen to copy over to paint, but it just captured my desktop, even though I was on the game screen -_-
  6. aaronra20@yahoo.com

    Hacking poll question

    Not sure if it is related or not, but for the month that I've been playing this game, I had never personally seen or fell victim to a hacker, but heard few mentions of them. Since the latest beta build for Arma2 being released, which apparently was implimented to fix multiplayer issues, the hacking has been immensely apparent over the last 2 days judging by the number of complaints on the forums and youtuber postings. I spent the better part of my play time the last few days just trying to FIND servers that were decent to play on, mainly due to sync issues, but also on the level of being victim to two hacks on two different servers. Was there something in the latest build that provided a larger hole to make it easier for hackers to run rampant? Or is it coincidently due to the popularity of this game drawing the grief committee?
  7. aaronra20@yahoo.com

    US 939

    It happened, but no, I didn't take pics. Hopefully, one of the other 24 people that were on the server took pics.
  8. aaronra20@yahoo.com

    US 939

    Was running through forest, saw a kill feed of everyone that was on the server instantly die, as well as myself at about 2:15AM CST. Looks like someone insta killed everyone on the server.
  9. aaronra20@yahoo.com

    Lost everything due to falling to my death at login

    I'll give it a try... My virus defense went up and windows went crazy when I tried to download it, and it seemed kinda sketchy being advertised by 2 people with 1-2 posts at the time.
  10. aaronra20@yahoo.com

    Lost everything due to falling to my death at login

    All sorts of flags went up when I tried visiting that site.. think I'm gonna hold off for now. . .
  11. So I wasn't exactly paying attention to the server I logged into, I was trying to find a server that was day time and was going to press "i" to let the rest of my party know what server I was on. I had a Coyote backpack, and M24, and M4A1, full of supplies and survival gear, 3 days old. I logged in to the server and I fell to my death and then I was kicked from the server. I'm severely frustrated and wishing that I could find servers that I recently joined, because I have no idea. I know that it was a US server and it was daytime when I logged in.. I knew where I logged off and now going server to server tying to find the spot where I died, since I'm sitting on it. Is there any form of way to keep a tally or log of servers recently joined? Rather than writing down every server.. 5?? saying 5 something.. doesn't quite cut it. Furthermore.. Is there any other way of telling what server you are on after joining other than pressing "i".. It seems that alot of server disable this function.. and this is proving to be quite troublesome.
  12. aaronra20@yahoo.com

    Zombie Doctors and Zombie Nuns.

    Brought back so many horrible... horrible memories *shudders*
  13. aaronra20@yahoo.com

    Zombies are back in charge - good job

    I'd say these are some super human zombies.. I was low crawling about 15 feet from a zed, he aggroed on me, shot him 3 times with an M9 and he knocked me unconscious in the first hit, my blood drained from 9k to 0 in the time it took me to recover. At least it didn't break my leg... -_-
  14. aaronra20@yahoo.com

    No loot what so ever

    I'm not finding loot in usual places, like castles and villages.. But I did find an AKS-74 Kobra in an a deer-stand, not too far from a castle that had absolutely 0 loot.. not even a single tin can. I had been travelling for about 30 minutes prior to the deer-stand and come to the empty castle later.
  15. aaronra20@yahoo.com


    I think this is an awesome idea! As long as you have a canteen with you ;)