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Everything posted by Zexis

  1. The Cherno Shoe Wars."Yeah I'm friendly" *BAM* "LOLjk just wanted your Adidas :)" People will be heading to the NWAF not for military equipment, but the legendary Air Jordans.
  2. Zexis

    Should I???

    If you're tight on cash, save your money if ARMA itself doesn't interest you. Seems silly to buy it when standalone is (hopefully) just around the corner if you don't want to actually play the game you're paying for. Which I will again reiterate: you will be buying ARMA, not DayZ. Maybe that's exceedingly obvious to you, but to many it seemingly is not.
  3. It seems funny to call it beta testing when it will be called an alpha product upon release. That is, of course, unless Rocket has pushed this thing back so it doesn't feel so alpha-y.
  4. Hell no. They should've hidden the tent better.
  5. If you have cash to blow, go ahead and get it now. Expect it to be buggy, expect there to be hackers on pubs. If nothing else, you'll still have ARMA, which can be a fun game in its own right. Just don't expect to be able to Rambo it (but I'm sure you already know that).
  6. Zexis


    As an elite spy, you should be jumping at such an opportunity. You might even be able to bang the bride on your way out.
  7. Zexis

    Hazmat Suits

    Instead of an illness, let's make it radiation. And you have to periodically change out your gas mask filter. And high-grade ammunition can be used as currency with other players. And there are mutants who roam the wastes. And...
  8. Zexis


    Best of luck, hope no one map missiles you. Edit: That would actually be hilarious.
  9. Zexis

    DayZ Best Date For Release

    Before I go back to uni, please.
  10. Zexis

    is dayzSA a MMO or a FPS?

    I think it's wrong to call it a FPS. There shouldn't be enough ammo for people to play it as one, anyways. I'd called it an MMOS: Massively Multiplayer Online Survival game
  11. Twist: the bots are super OP and use aimbot.
  12. Zexis

    DayZ SA Hardware

    It's been rumored that the standalone will require at least 32 GB of RAM to run. ...anything above 60 and you're not going to see a huge difference. 100+ lolwut.Unless you aren't cereal, that is.
  13. Zexis

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Hello. I am not a hater. But can someone please explain to me what this fascination with MLP is? Like, is it a legitimately enjoyable show or is has it just evolved into some strange cult phenomenon? Sincerely, Confused non-brony
  14. Zexis

    Standalone could slip to 2013

    Xbox? I don't want that gamer culture in DayZ. No sir.
  15. Zexis

    Explain Your Avatar!

    Uhh...what's my avatar again? Edit: Oh, okay. It's General RAAM from Gears of War.
  16. Shot by a bandit All my gear forever lost Destroy my keyboard
  17. Price hikes are not the best way to combat crackers and skiddies. The new server-side architecture should already help a good deal, and while hacks will always exist, I'll be surprised if they're anywhere near as prevalent as they are now. I guess time will tell.
  18. Reading this, are you Rocket? Implement. Implement. Implement.
  19. Zexis

    Best Music To Play DayZ To.

    No music, hearing is an extremely important sense in DayZ. I don't want my brains blown out because I was rocking out to Metallica or whatever.
  20. Private hives, WarZ (lol), or waiting for standalone (such as moi).
  21. Bugs, hacking security and general game integrity should be top priorities. That in itself would make me complacent for some time.
  22. Depends on range and weapon DPS. Edit: Just realized that the PDW isn't up there. So definitely the G17. High ROF and ammo cap.
  23. Zexis

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    That'd give me a reason to use my ammo.
  24. Zexis

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Getting real excited now. This has the potential to be a genre-defining title.
  25. Would be nice to see some screens, what with November only a stone's throw away. Maybe it'll be visually identical, seeing as it's just a modifying Arma 2 engine? Then again, I couldn't care less about graphics. I just wanna see new things!