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Everything posted by Zexis

  1. Zexis

    Snipers are OP?

    I don't feel we should nerf .50 cal weapons that are specifically designed to be OSOK. Of course not all of them are .50 cal, but still. Am I saying this because I am one of these snipers? Actually, no, not at all. But I have seen other games perform similar nerfs to "level the playing field", so to speak, and it just makes combat boring. Every weapon has an effective range and snipers will do what snipers do. The fact that they're used on newb hunts is a fault of the community, not the weapons.If ANYTHING, I'd just make the drops more rare. But they're already pretty uncommon as is.
  2. ...didja pick up any new toys?
  3. Zexis

    Snipers are OP?

    If you get into a long range firefight with a sniper, you can't complain about unfairness. What if it was close-quarters?
  4. Zexis

    Graphical Issue near balota

    Bump for the issue. i5 2500k CPU GTX 560 Ti 448 GPU Severe buggies for me. Toggling Vsync does NOT resolve the issue.
  5. Zexis

    Is anyone near green mountain?

    I actually have some. PM me if interested.
  6. Zexis

    [QQ] My Thoughts On Hackers!

    Script kiddies is 1000% more accurate. As to what Rocket is doing? So far, it seems he's been resorting to script blacklisting.
  7. Well, the devs do to a degree, but yeah.OP, as of right now, hackers are a risk that come with this game mod. They will slowly be weeded out, but for the time being, it's just something you'll have to deal with. Maybe try less populated servers?
  8. Because DayZ is a mod based entirely off ARMA 2's code, textures, etc. DayZ can NOT function without ARMA. Again, DayZ is a MOD, NOT a standalone game. Cheers :)
  9. Zexis

    Why this mod is failing

    Bandits are essential for the game to be exciting. BUT. I do think Rocket, once the buggies have been beaten down, needs to look at more "end-game" content. Because, as you said, what more is there to do once you have a .50 cal and a Ghillie? Sure, you can help people, but help them with what? Get more loot? What about once they're geared up? And frankly, my biggest adrenaline rushes come from the firefights, especially when I have decent gear (or at least it used to be that way, before I decided I didn't care). That's OK, but there should be more of an incentive to NOT just wanton gun down every non-zed in sight. And as to what that incentive could be? I don't know. But I hope Rocket gets an idea sooner or later, because the current game mechanics just aren't *quite* solid enough yet for this mod to achieve its fullest potential.
  10. To be honest, I don't know what to do anymore. Here's a timeline of my play styles in DayZ, and how they progressed: 1. Fresh start. No idea what to do. Derp around towns, pick up tin cans because why not? End up dying via falling off barn, being eaten, shot, etc. 2. Start learning how to survive by picking up tools and a primary weapon or two. Stay mostly south near the big cities, assuming this is the best way to find items. Eventually die. 3. Edge towards north. Form a group. Begin to loot strategically, hitting deer stands, supermarkets, and the occasional heli crash. 4. Start a camp. Find epic lewtz. Storm the NWAF like nobody's business, and death has little consequence when the camp is full of ARs. 5. Boredom begins to set in. Repetitive cycle of looting with the rare firefight tossed in. Until one day... 6. Fuck it, let's die! Start over, this time for the lulz. Couldn't care less about the big guns and ghillie suits, now is the time to just screw around and have fun. Murderous rampages, suicide missions, and general silliness is expected.
  11. Many nighttime servers I join are shrouded in total, complete blackness. I can see the sky and silhouettes of buildings, and that's it. Is this a bug or intended feature? I mean I have a flashlight, but in real life you can always at least see a bit of the area around you, even with cloud coverage. I've also tried jacking up my gamma and brightness to max, but it doesn't make a difference; there's apparently no light being emitted for the contrast to matter! I like the darkness for its scariness and stealth enhancements, but this is just a wee bit too much.
  12. Yes. Disable the beta and DayZ if you want to play the rest of Arma.
  13. Well Sheogorath, nothing too drastic. Though some nights I've stayed up later when I otherwise would've gone to bed.
  14. Doubt it will ever extend beyond simple PvP. People don't like to play by the rules in a zombie wasteland.
  15. Oh, how convenient :) Had just logged off after moving our camp site with duped gear, two vehicles, and all of it should be saved. Huzzah! Feel bad for you blokes, though. With any luck, none of you lost anything too valuable.
  16. Zexis

    A tense standoff at US195.

    Kudos for you for not combat logging. DayZ would be more fun if all players stuck it out like you did.
  17. Zexis

    Low FPS only on DayZ

    Remember that DayZ, and Arma2 for that matter, aren't exactly optimized. Couple that with server lag and even high-grade rigs can suffer performance drops.
  18. Sigh. Only two lines of defense against hackers: Battleye and server admins. When an admin turns to hacking, that should be a sign for you to gtfo of that server.
  19. Hm. I know which buildings to look for for loot, but I often Alt+Tab to a map for navigation purposes.
  20. Zexis

    Requesting Serious Help - BIG Reward

    Go to the medic thread if you want a shot at, well, not getting shot. You can't trust anyone you don't know in DayZ, and that includes here on the forums. Heck, how can we even trust you?
  21. Player killing! ...I'm joking, but only slightly. Once you're self-sufficient and carry top gear, there isn't much else to do...
  22. Zexis

    Weapon SAFE trading

    How is it going to be "safe"?
  23. You uninstalled Arma or deleted the mod? Because you do realize that there's an entire videogame layered beneath this mod, right?
  24. Zexis

    The reason why we need Hackers

    Terrorists are good for the world, because they help us see our national security vulnerabilities and fix them. /sarcasm Hackers are using scripts to exploit the game that, if unused, would in no way affect gamers. All the script kiddies do is make more work for Rocket when he could be working on important features, like bug fixes that are actually relevant. Not script blacklisting.