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Everything posted by Zexis

  1. Zexis


    Probably looted. Helis are loud and noticeable, so unless you were waaaaay out in the middle of nowhere, I'd say someone saw the crash and decided to take a peek. EDIT: You said it was a low pop server. Maybe server hoppers? If nothing else, right it off as a bug.
  2. Zexis

    -cpuCount=4 help!

    But...then...why bother with the tweaks?
  3. Barns will sometimes spawn them, but only the CZ. Also: heli crashes and other military loot spawns. Deer stands, military tents, firehouses, and especially the barracks.
  4. Zexis

    A really big question...

    Bah, fail image insert. Oh well.
  5. Zexis

    -cpuCount=4 help!

    Allows ARMA to use all 4 cores of your CPU, provided that you have at least a quad-core. I.e., performance boost.
  6. Zexis

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    Performed a dive-bomb with my first helicopter today. That kinda sucked. EDIT: Actually, I survived, but my mate, whom I had just picked up, did not, and fell to the ocean floor :P
  7. Zexis

    Just bought ArmA 2

    Try looking at the New Player board here. And no amount of video guides will completely prepare you for the experience. It's a bit of a learning curve and you should expect to die and rage a bit before understanding how to survive. Totally normal!
  8. Those are pretty common drops at heli crashes. You might want to consider just offering them both, OP. I actually have a spare ghillie right now, but without a camp set up I don't have room for another gun >.>
  9. Zexis

    Whats your Average FPS?

    A quick FRAPS test shows ~100 on mostly maxed settings, 1600x900. AA is the only thing turned slightly down.
  10. Zexis

    My patch notes

    If you reduce the spawn of so many items, what will take their places?
  11. Might've been a satchel charge, which is a legit item. Especially at the NWAF.
  12. I played as one a couple lives ago just to try a different look. That was seriously it. Just something different.
  13. Today has been pretty lucky for me. Found a pick-up truck out in the woods. A little beat up, but drivable. Went to Vybor, stumbled across a chopper! After gunning down maybe 20 zeds, got in and found it to be in perfect condition. I decided to head south to pick up my bud in Cherno. I landed on the docks to get him and, as he entered, we came under fire. Welp, I'm not a very good pilot yet. So as I tried to run away with him blasting on the LMG, I swerved and plummeted straight into the water. D: Sad face, I suck. BUT. Right as I smacked into the water, who came to save the day? BattlEye! Script restriction #55, it said. My friend and the chopper were engulfed in flames, but I was kicked and survived, spawning back into the water. Tl;dr: BattlEye saves lives, let's keep it :)
  14. Zexis

    So BattlEye saved me today

    *looks at name*I smell a troll. If it makes you feel any better, I just found 2 ghillie suits :D One for me, and one to replace the one my buddy lost. It's almost comical...back when I would work hard to find this stuff, I never did. Now, epic lewtz are everywhere.
  15. Zexis

    So BattlEye saved me today

    I actually wouldn't have cared if I died. Yeah, I said it.I've been playing long enough to where dying isn't a big deal :/ I don't mind starting over.
  16. Waypoints depend on server settings. I'm using one now on a vet server.
  17. Zexis

    DMR or M24?

    If you're a lone wolf, M24. More versatile. If you're in a group and specialize as sniper support, then the DMR.
  18. Zexis

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I don't need assistance, but I just wanted to send out a "Thank you" to all of the medics here. You guys are great!
  19. I may be mistaken, but it seems you're thinking of "newb". "Noob" has an entirely different connotation. On topic, if I had a nickel for every one of these threads...
  20. Zexis

    Barb wire ._.

    Reading the posts in here...
  21. Any residential zone. They're statistically rare, though I managed to find two today in Cherno alone. Supermarkets have a slightly higher chance of spawning them over other spawns, but not by much.
  22. Zexis

    Forget about the hackers.

    I am under the unprofessional opinion that you are a moron.
  23. Zexis


    Can't have your cake AND eat it, too, with DayZ just yet.