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Everything posted by Zexis

  1. Zexis

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    I wouldn't mind a "Who's shooting in Cherno?" shirt, though I'm not sure how well that would fly on a college campus. But the bean wars shirt above is pretty snazzy! I just might grab it.
  2. Real/suicidal men do it outside ;D
  3. You should become a nice-guy hunter. Or, rather, hunt the hunters. Leave the newbies alone and stalk the bandits, slaying them and ending their killing sprees. That way, you can try a different play style without joining the lower ranks of players.
  4. Zexis

    The true downfall of DayZ - If not resolved.

    Skiddies! Haven't heard that one before.I agree, though. OP, just give it time. We can only hope that Rocket and co. are well aware of the exploits and are doing their best to address the issue. Unfortunately, it would seem that both BattlEye and the Arma engine are rather limited.
  5. Zexis

    your best moment of discovery

    Finding some guy's truck, driving it for a few minutes and then stumbling across my first heli. Followed shortly by trying to relocate my group's camp, only to stumble across someone else's mobile camp. Survivor minds think alike, I guess. ^^^That stuff happened just yesterday. I'm usually nowhere near as lucky.
  6. Zexis

    Would You Play a Cherno/Electro Capture the Mountain Dew?

    If you could organize it, that would be cool.
  7. Is it not inevitable? There is little incentive to be friendly towards randoms. And until there is, KoS will remain the common rule.Or ignore contacts altogether, as the above poster mentions.
  8. I rarely go to 4chan and even I get the same vibe.
  9. Zexis

    Cyric's Forum PvP Guide

    Made me laugh, have some beans.
  10. The majority of posts below mine will be mocking you. EDIT: But NightRipper has a point. Message the moderators if you want something done. The DayZ devs need to work on DayZ, not the boards.
  11. Zexis


    1337 haxx0rz
  12. Zexis

    Good places to set up a camp?

    Not really. Tent placement is very touchy. Gentle slopes are okay, and you can pitch one right under the leaves of a tree or bush, next to the trunk/center. You only need enough open ground to plop the tent, and no more. Non-solid objects won't count against you.
  13. Zexis

    Good places to set up a camp?

    Find a low traffic area away from high level loot spawns. Dense, hilly forests are usually best. This will at least cut down on the number of people simply stumbling across your tent, and a single tent is MUCH easier to hide than an entire city or vehicle armada. Find a thick pine or bush and pitch it there. The farther north you go the more likely people will be camp hunting, so be wary.
  14. Zexis

    "FRIENDLY" is bullshit

    I typically KoS if an individual is anywhere in my immediate area. This includes unarmed players, unless I'm out in the wilderness with no weapon spawns nearby. Then I will typically spare the player, maybe even give a can of beans or two.
  15. Zexis

    WHAT THE..........

    Sadly, that's the point.
  16. So a typical day in DayZ, eh?
  17. Zexis


    It will be released soon, calm your tits.
  18. I agree. Only thing that irks me is the amount of time needed to get up north after death. Running Simulator ftw!
  19. Zexis


    Really? My TBs have delivered only flawless performance thus far, and it's been at least two months, maybe longer.
  20. Ahh, no .50 cal anymore? Pity, that's the only item I was really considering :/
  21. Is that how ye get your loot? Easier to just camp the Cherno and Electro hotspots ;)