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Everything posted by Zexis

  1. Zexis

    Range finder

    It should replace your binos. With the default keybindings, just press B.
  2. Oh, of course, I agree! DayZ does and should ellicit emotions from players.But OP is suggesting that this is some sort of reflection of our inner personalities, which is just ridiculous. That I should feel remorse for saddening another player. And I don't. This is a game. A game in which all players know death can come at any time, in any form. If you become too attached to your gear, to the time spent collecting items, that is YOUR fault. It is no different than, say, having a killstreak ended in Call of Duty. The time invested may differ, but the attachment to something that is expected to be lost is unjustified. And therein lies the problem. First rule of DayZ is to not become too attached to your gear or your progress. You have to learn to enjoy the journey and experience in and of itself, or you simply won't have a good time. Which is why, again, this mod is not for everyone. P.S. OP, no one likes an armchair psychologist.
  3. Be sure to save your tents and they will *almost always* come back within the next two server restarts. But not always. And I agree that it's frustrating, but we can find solace, I think, in assuming that this is one of the few things Rocket and co. should be able to fix. Side note, I've found vehicles more reliably retain loot.
  4. Zexis

    Recommend PC

    I built a computer very recently for ~1100 USD (including mouse, keyboard and network adapter) and it runs ARMA 2 flawlessly. It was my first build, and I put in an i5 2500k CPU, GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 GPU and 8 GB of RAM. Obviously, OP, that would be way out of your stated budget. But I will say that building a computer will net you more bang for your buck and it's VERY rewarding. I went in with minimal hardware knowledge and came out with a fully functioning gaming computer. It takes lots of research for a newbie, especially for just picking the parts. In the end, I felt much closer to my computer, not to mention a sense of accomplishment. It may seem daunting at first, but you should be able to play DayZ on at least playable FPS if you put in around 500 USD. Anything less and you might as well go with console gaming. And there's nothing wrong with that, but you won't get to play ARMA ;)
  5. Instead of punishing bandits, I think there just needs to be more to do upon acquiring military hardware and a tent base. Most people I know PK because they're bored and have nothing else to do. If anything, give players a reason to work together apart from force in numbers. If we can arguably have more fun protecting random players and working together, the random killing should drop dramatically. But with the current game mechanics, there's almost no reason to trust anyone, no reason to work together with unknown players.
  6. Thank you, you covered most of what I wanted to say. Have my beans.
  7. Then why don't you elaborate? I'm all for an insightful discussion, but from what I can tell, OP's subject is tried and trite in the gaming world. It follows a similar vein of games making people violent, resulting in shootings like Columbine.Which, given the sheer number of people who play violent games, is just stupid.
  8. Zexis

    Best Assault Rifle?

    M4SD Ammo is plentiful and kills are silent.
  9. I'm sorry, I'm just tired of seeing these threads. We all know that the hackers are a problem and that there isn't much to be done at the moment. I'd rather we just have a single "Report hacking incidents here" thread instead of clogging up the forum with the same complaints.
  10. Zexis

    Take out .50 cals

    Hate to say it, but this is why I almost exclusively use an AS50 for player killing. Unless you manage to pull off a headshot, people D/C FAST when getting shot at. A OSOK policy is really the only way to prevent this.
  11. Zexis

    CA 10 Hacker

    It's not Rocket's fault that BattlEye is imperfect, so stop blaming him. Learn to man up and deal with the environment this mod is in, or go play something else. Nothing is owed to you in a *free* mod.
  12. The game? ARMA 2 is fully playable, what are you talking about? Oh wait, you mean the *mod*? This is important. I'm not being pedantic or turning to semantics; there is a distinct difference between the two. This mod owes nothing to you other than what Rocket dictates. That being said, it seems quite likely that this will one day be a standalone with a better engine behind it. But that day is not to come soon.
  13. Let's take a game like Skyrim. I can be whoever I want to be. Ruthless melee master? Sure thing. Meek and humble mage? No problem. Apathetic wanderer of the countryside? Yup. Point being that DayZ, albeit to a lesser extent, allows for similar role-playing. And whichever role I choose to fulfill yields little to no insight regarding my inner personality, beliefs, etc. I can change who I am on a whim in a videogame, because that's the bloody point. Adding the notion of karma into your post doesn't do much for its credibilty, either.
  14. Zexis

    Where dat patch at?

    It'll come out when it's ready.
  15. Zexis

    Ban some bandits.

    I don't really blame them, unless they're going after fresh spawns. I, for example, like to counter-snipe snipers in Cherno and Electro. When you have top-tier gear, there's no more need to loot. And at that point, the only real challenge comes from stalking other players. When not doing that, I like to just derp around with my friends, maybe driving around vehicles or going on zombie shooting sprees. But once your basic needs are met, there just isn't much more to do. "But Zexis, you could go help people!" Yes, maybe. I could give away some supplies or join the medical team. But considering the risks involved, that's just not for me.
  16. Zexis

    Show name of who killed you

    I did that the other day :/ I saw a guy nearing our camp. Not wanting him to find it, I lined him up in my scope and took the shot. Turned out that he was completely unarmed and just making his way north...but hey, he came to me, not the other way around.
  17. It's called bored people looking to shoot stuff.
  18. Zexis

    Check this shit for real.

    I think you may want to sober up first.
  19. Zexis


    The CZ is a decent enough rifle, but it's the most common sniper. I wouldn't bother pursuing a trade. Generally speaking, people want things like the Barrett, AS50, Rangefinder, NVG, ghillie suits, L85, M4SD and occasionally the FAL NV. Some people will also trade for GPSs, Coyote Backpacks and maybe even Mountain Dews.
  20. Zexis

    What a h**king joke...

    I'm sorry, but you bought ARMA, not DayZ. If you are one of the many foolish folks who bought ARMA just for DayZ, you should've done your research a bit better beforehand. This is an alpha mod rampant with hackers, and it will remain that way if and until BattlEye can more effectively detect and shut down the bypass hooks.
  21. Zexis

    Unconscious spawning bug

    Bump because it's happening to me as well. Every. Single. Time :x
  22. A public bypass was recently released to allow non-scripters to "hack". Once it's detected and blocked in an update, the hacking should die down again (for some time).
  23. Two friends and I were at NWAF earlier today. I was acting as sniper overwatch while they hit the hangars. Suddenly, they reported being hit by SD rounds. I scanned the tarmac and found some guy in a ghillie. Fired two shots with my DMR and killed him. Seconds later, another sniper started firing upon my buds in the hangar, killing one of them and wounding the other. When the shooting stopped moments later, my friend was kicked by the admin. Whether the admin was the sniper or guy I killed, I don't know. And it's funny that my friend got kicked when I was the one who fired. My partner took a screenshot, I'm hoping he'll remember to post it up here. Hate corrupt admins :/
  24. Not really a trade worthy weapon, sorry. Ammo is too sparse.