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Everything posted by Zexis

  1. It's pretty lame. Here's to hoping the standalone rams an iron spike into the arse of every would-be cheater and sciddie. This is why I've stopped playing DayZ, hoping that the standalone is the Golden Goose it has the potential to be.
  2. I am saddened to announce that shortly after the first exchange, we returned to our camp to find EVERYTHING destroyed. The huey, supplies...gone. I'm sorry, folks. I don't know how it happened, if it was a hacker or just sheer bad luck, but the raffle must come to a close now :( Should I ever feel comfortable resuming it, I will update this post to let you know. Regards, Zex RULES AND PROCEDURES (READ EVERYTHING!) - To enter, just make a post in this thread asking to be entered for the current drawing. - You must have had 5 posts on this forum as of yesterday, UTC -5. - You may only enter ONCE for each drawing for a total of 6 entries. Multiple entries for the same prize will not be counted and may disqualify you at my discretion. - If you win a drawing, you may NOT enter again for any other drawings. - For each prize package, I will announce the time frame for entries. Depending on my schedule, it could be 30 minutes or maybe an hour. I'll let you know. - Once the time frame has passed, additional entries for the prize will NOT be taken. You must wait for the next drawing period to be announced. - Not only will the winner be random, but the prize will be as well. I have written some simple Java code to randomly pick a player and prize package for each drawing. - I can contact you via either the forums here with a PM or Steam. If you do not state a preference, I will use the forums. Your name will be announced after we have given you the prize, and it would be appreciated if you would vouch for us afterwards :) - If you do not want a prize, you can turn it down. I will then select another player for it. - You will have 20 minutes to respond to my PM before I select another winner. I will announce when drawings will be closed and when winners are picked, so be prepared! DISCLAIMERS - To protect the location and integrity of our camp, I do not have any screenshots. Therefore, it would again be appreciated if winners would vouch for our legitimacy after the transaction takes place :) - You may bring ONE friend with you to pick up the loot. If you do so, you MUST tell me beforehand and give me the in-game name of the player. - I will not cater to known hackers and will check post histories before setting up the prize. - If you attempt to sabotage the meeting or break our terms of agreement, I will do my best to destroy the gear and you with it. You may also risk me discontinuing the raffle, and that's just not cool. - Prize packages with vehicles are server specific, obviously. - I am not responsible for the loss of any of the prizes, especially the Huey. I will do my best to secure a safe and speedy transaction of goods, but once the gear is in your possession I am no longer responsible for it. - I will discuss more specific details with the winner like the location and server via PM.
  3. Feel free to go to bed :) The winner has replied and claims he is en route. Should anything go wrong, I'll make a post saying so.However, raffles will continue through the night until I'm too sleepy to go on, at which point I'll pick up in the morn.
  4. It's okay, there will be 5 more drawings!The current prize waiting to be claimed is the Sniper Kit. I am waiting on the winner to reply to my PM. He has about 15 more minutes to respond before I pick another.
  5. You have been entered.Entries are now closed! I will contact the winner shortly.
  6. I don't believe so, not according to BE's website.
  7. Zexis

    Trading for a MK 48

    Try my raffle? The assault kit has one! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/67852-dayz-raffle-6-prize-packages-including-a-huey/
  8. You seem trustworthy enough and this was your fifth post, so I'll add you in :) That rule is there mostly so that people won't make alts for the raffle, to increase the odds of winning.
  9. You seem to check out just fine! I've added your name into the array.
  10. I am now taking entries for the first drawing. You have half an hour. Good luck, everyone!
  11. ...is when they create little uber loot camps. At least, I'm assuming what we found was hacked in. After my buddy and I were teleported and killed on a high pop server, we tried a quieter one and went derping around in the countryside. We stumbled across a few tents with some toys and decided to go for a ride. Haven't even been on a motor bike before. So please, script users. Continue to leave supply drops and camps lying around. That way, you give back a little of what you take ;) Cheers.
  12. I accidentally hit submit post instead of preview, but oh well :P I'll bump the topic later tonight when entries are ready to be taken. In the meantime I'll be offline and cannot answer questions. Cheers! EDIT: And of course, if no one is interested in this, I'll just shut it down.
  13. Zexis

    AMA - Script Kiddie / Hacker

    It takes maybe five minutes to become a skiddie. I don't see the need for a AMA for something so easy and simple to do... Now if you're coding bypasses and the actual hacks, that's a bit different.
  14. Steam. Better support. Steam Steam Steam. Always choose Steam.
  15. If you hear the thud of a bullet but no snap, it's near you. If you hear it snapping, the shots are inches from you (more or less). A whirring or whizzing sounds also indicated a close shot. Other than that, if you just hear the lower popping sound, someone is shooting but probably not at you.
  16. Maybe we'll get some more today, eh? :D Though I'm still toying with the idea of a raffle, the one I mentioned in Steam.
  17. Zexis

    Thank you Battleye!

    I don't know that I'd call it arbitrary...the connotation of that word doesn't really fit here. And I've seen more useless threads. At least this one says BE is responding to the situation.
  18. Zexis

    How many Ghillies have you found?/When?

    Camps and corner cafes are the best spots for me.
  19. My friend purposely crashed a heli from 1000 ft and survived, after I found his body and fixed every imaginable ailment he had. He even started coughing for some reason. But he lived.
  20. Zexis

    In what order is the rarest guns in?

    Not going to take guesses at all of them, but the most common is probably the hatchet, and the M136 is probably the rarest.
  21. Zexis

    Trading for car.

    Are you sure you don't mean the L85? Totally different guns.