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Everything posted by Zexis

  1. Zexis

    Not everyone is a potential enemy.

    It's hard, though. Any bandit will claim to be friendly so that they can safely line up a shot. The risk makes it very tricky to find random friends.
  2. A body with a gun is a threat, boobs or no. If I feel threatened, gender doesn't matter. Heck, I was holed up in the Cherno church the other day when a woman ran inside. I might not have shot her right away, but she had a ton of zombies in tow and I didn't want to take any risks. Pew! The Enfield packs a punch.
  3. Zexis

    Tales of a butthurt player...

    You learned a valuable lesson, and that is that you can trust no one. Stick to people you know well and kill or cautiously team up with the rest. Case in point: met a guy at some small airstrip today. I just found a pistol in one of the hangars. He sees me and is only carrying an axe. He says he's friendly, then I say I am too. He asks if I have a blood pack, and then starts to crouch run towards me. I didn't say that I had a pack, and my gut told me something wasn't right. When he was only a few feet away, I opened fire. A split second later - too fast if he hadn't already been planning on killing me - he swings with the hatchet and kills me. Lag from my bullets then brings him down as well. Trust no one, my friend. It's a dark world out there.
  4. Regarding in-game mechanics, yeah. In fact, that's half of the point of an alpha. We aren't just fixing drastic bugs, but making gameplay changes at well. People seem to forget that. Quality control comes in more at the beta.
  5. Just curious as to what you guys do when hit with the most crippling medical condition of the mod. Respawn, crawwwwl to the nearest hospital, or something else? Me, I take out my pistol or rifle and try to shoot as many zombies on sight. Figure it's more fun to go down in style than to crawl for an hour, hoping to get to a hospital. But sometimes it happens in the wildy, and I'm all alone ;(
  6. Zexis

    How "safe" do you play ?

    Reckless in the beginning, become more cautious as I accumulate goodies.
  7. Mine wasn't lucky yesterday. Climbing a ladder with broken legs is a bad idea, it seems.
  8. Zexis

    Running > Crouching

    Eh. D/cing to flee from zombies doesn't bother me in that having someone else do it doesn't ruin my fun. Combat d/cs do need attention, though.
  9. No, he's probably just annoyed at the people who sound like they've come from the WoW/Gears of War forums. Bit of a gamer culture clash going on here, but it'll subside with time.
  10. Zexis

    Real Life and DayZ

    Haha, no, I think you just enjoy it more than I do. Nothing wrong with that. I just get a bit bored at times, and the bugs don't help either.
  11. Zexis

    Real Life and DayZ

    No. I can never become immersed enough in the game's current state to feel that way.
  12. OP, you're receiving a lot of shit and I apologize for that. Rocket designed this mod to be a bitch, and you'll find many of the fans defend that decision vehemently. Finding a gun isn't too too hard, but that doesn't mean you'll get one right away. Barns aren't always close, and deer stands will have crappy loot at times. Cities are a bad idea because of other players and, of course, hordes of zombies, but the fire stations might have goodies if they aren't already picked clean and watched by snipers. Personally I don't see why we can't at least have a crowbar. You going to tell me that I can't at least have a piece of metal, one of the weakest weapons in the game?
  13. Zexis

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    Sorry about the glitches :(
  14. I agree. The fact that I can get slapped once by a zombie and then have both my legs break in the middle of nowhere is just ridiculous. At least let painkillers, a more common item, maybe allow for temporary mobility? Ten minutes, thirty max. If I get shot or take environmental damage, fine. But zombie bitch slaps shouldn't break bones so easily.
  15. Glad it's not just me. What a pain ;(
  16. I would not buy ARMA just for DayZ unless you REALLY think you're going to enjoy it. It's very buggy in it's current form and is exceedingly frustrating. However, if you can get into it and maybe find some friends to play with, it can be oodles of fun.
  17. Zexis

    Starting pistol?

    Part of me wishes they'd at least give us a crowbar, but, on the other hand, I think I just need more efficient looting strategies in the beginning. Heading to Cherno unarmed...ha ha... I'm gonna die D:
  18. Problem is that most loot locations are in high-density zombie zones, and with their uber ai detection, unarmed scavenging is a complete nightmare. Barns are the best bet, I'd say. Usually few infected and, as you said, good loot.
  19. I can't tell anyone how to play, but it's much easier for me to deal with being shot if I know it wasn't "for lulz".
  20. Then at least point your gun at the ground and make it obvious that you aren't hostile. Even then, though, there's a good chance you'll be shot instantly. Most people are either too paranoid or simply want the loot, and I can't blame them. The only time I seem to be able to team up is when I come across an unarmed player. Teaming up with a random armed survivor often leads to betrayal, not too surprisingly. But hey, it makes the game a little more intense.
  21. I could never do that seeing as I'll sometimes spend an hour looking for a single weapon. I blame part of that on me being new, though. I'm slowly getting better :)
  22. One of my favorite series, The Elder Scrolls, has this problem too. Some people will support all design and gameplay changes no matter what, even things that are later identified as bugs. Over-zealous fanboyism at it's finest, more often than not. We as players are SUPPOSED to give feedback and criticism, ESPECIALLY because this is in alpha. We want to identify issues and help the dev team fix them for future releases.
  23. I can't hear gunshots, anyone have an issue with this? I was dying earlier and said "**** it", went ahead and fired off some slugs from my Winchester. But it was like a whisper, and isn't a problem with my audio settings as far as I can tell.
  24. Zexis

    How to update my Day Z?

    THANK you for that mirror, the official beta site seems to be overloaded or something.
  25. Yeah, but there's a technical limitation on that, too. The servers are bogged down enough as is without more npcs running around. That's not to say they won't be optimized, of course.