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Everything posted by rockwood

  1. for the whole closing and locking the door thing, i don't see that happening in arma 2, because you flat out can't close doors reliably
  2. how about a good old .22 rifle. not too loud and doesn't have great aim or accuracy, but a headshot is a kill. .22 is only strong enough to go through the scull once so it just bounces around inside
  3. rockwood

    game modes?

    I was just throwing some ideas out there. maybe in the future there could be a way to facilitate matches like what wolfy94 suggested
  4. rockwood

    Is losing everything... Enough?

    more zombies out in the woods
  5. rockwood

    Any US groups looking for a member?

    I'm looking for people to play with also, i'm up for whatever as long as we arn't back stabbing each other, im getting bored by myself, i play east coast servers, pm me if your interested or anything, my headset snapped in half two nights ago, but i will be getting one shortly
  6. rockwood

    Less military grade equipment.

    i agree that there should be slightly less high grade military weapons and more of the mid level stuff, but in a real pandemic like this there would be abandoned military equipment all over the place. think of all the road blocks and check points that would have Humvee with 50 caliber machine guns on them. i think in a real apocalyptic these would be easy to come by and over time aggressive and powerful groups of bandits would probably hoard most of them, like controlling the airfields
  7. rockwood

    Introduce yourselves

    i'm rockwood, im still pretty new, but i want some people to play with, i think i am pretty cooperative and i wont shoot you in the back. I have a friend who might potentially get this so he might be playing some too