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Posts posted by Horny_Mastodon

  1. I don't usually interact with other players; however, during a quick trip to Elektrozavodsk that quickly changed.

    This was my second time going into Elektro, coming in from the power plant. I was looking around there for any random junk, and decided to climb up the tower in the factory. Heard lots of shots and saw a player run in being chased by a horde. I crouched and made my way down the stairs and saw him shooting Zack as they made their way up, he'd already killed a good handful. Shouted to him over voice chat, "I'm friendly, don't shoot, I'll help kill this horde off", he turned and said "OK" - I was expecting to be shot as soon as he saw me.

    3 minutes later and more than half of my ammunition we finish off the horde. After an awkward blood transfusion (first time performing one) he's ready to go and asks if I'm heading anywhere in particular, or if I'd like to travel with him. I tell him I'm good and make my way back into the forest. It's quieter there.

    In the end, it's us against them. I just hope when I've got a horde chasing me down that whoever I run into thinks the same way.
