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About Untalented

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  1. Untalented

    Anyone had this problem before?

    Try a diff server. It's probably a hive issue.
  2. Untalented


    I've been playing for about two months and I'm looking for a group of guys to play with. A clan server isn't a must, but an active group with ts/mumble/vent is. I'm 27, live in the US, and in the Eastern timezone. PM or post here if interested.
  3. What is your age? 27 How long have you been playing DayZ? 1 Month Where do you live? US What role would you prefer? (Assault, Sniper, Medic, etc) Assault/Sniper What can you bring to SSrT that you promise no other recruit can? Mature guy that can take orders and show respect towards others. Doesn't sound like much, but most can't say the same. Scenarios Questions: Answer with complete honesty and not just one sentence. We are watching B) 1) You're in base along with another member, and a group of three approach camp without showing signs. How do you react? It all depends on our location. In many cases it may be best to sit tight and cover our entrances while one of us is on lookout from a lookout point. If they don't know where we are and we do, it's to our advantage. 2) You're the Squad leader of the Assault team Alpha and your running across a field to gather Intel on a enemy position and your team is fired upon and two men go down. Whats your first order of action as squad leader? Get to the tree line. I'd also be questioning if anyone has a visual. If two of our men went down that quickly there is likely a sniper and getting to some sort of cover until we get a visual is priority. Hopefully if we get a visual one of the men can attempt to flank. 3) During a OP in cherno you and your team come across a survivor with broken legs asking for help. How do you respond? I first search him for a weapon. I'll leave some morphine a ways from him and move out. Easy kills from unarmed men don't get my rocks off. Looking forward to hearing back. I have a few questions for you guys.
  4. Untalented

    I'm Sorry Winchester Guy

  5. Untalented

    Can someone explain the point of ALT-F4

    Would be nice if they did this and forced you to /camp /logout or something similar.
  6. Untalented

    Bus hijack in Vybor!

    Nice, what guns were you guys using? Was your friend sniping?
  7. Untalented


    I feel like anytime I'm in Cherno/Elektro there are snipers posted in and outside of the city. Most of my deaths are from snipers posted around these cities or one of the airfields. A group of three friend of mine and me were running out from Cherno last night and there were snipers posted along the tree line of the small town just north of Cherno. As we're coming out they picked one of us off and the rest of us were able to zig/zag into the trees. Later the same night I got sniped coming out of the same area (my bad I guess). I started thinking to myself, do these sniper rifles which are able to shoot up to an effective 1000m out really have a place in a game like this? In a zombie apocalypse, how many people are really going to have these high powered rifles and be able to actually fire them effectively. Maybe I'm completely out of line and just a bit frustrated, but curious what others think?
  8. Untalented

    A pretty cool bandit...

    This guy was awesome. I'm sniped 90% of my deaths from 500m+ out. Even if this guy shot me I'd of felt better.
  9. Untalented

    Zombies moving too fast?

    They do this and I don't think it will be fixed anytime soon tbh, but it's still playable and highly addictive once you figure things out.
  10. Untalented

    A N00b's Story

    So I've been playing for about four days and have learned a lot. I've died a number of times and yesterday I had my first real adventure. This is my story. After a number of failed attempts last night, two friends of mine met me inside of Cherno. We were able to find a number of supplies needed and made it out of the city alive. We then made our way west towards the airfield in hopes of finding some better weapons. At the airfield, the three of us took aim and fought our way through the tents and the hangars with limited ammunition in our pistols. As luck would have it I found an AK47 and one guy found a combat shotgun. Suddenly while exploring the hanger we began hearing gun shots towards (one of us was hit!) and immediately began running North (luckily I found a compass). We continued North from Balota towards Kozlovka in hopes to re-supply food and water. Once we reached the small town it would seem the town was completely overrun with Zed. After getting spotted we rushed into a house to provide a choke point to take the Zed out. Unfortunately, due to our limited supply of ammunition we almost had one casualty, but luckily was able to provide him with a blood transfusion. We then made our way NW towards Zelen as we had no food left and very limited ammunition. Upon entering a Barn we found a Windchester and additional ammunition, then continued NW hoping to find an animal along the way for food. Time was running out as I only had one can of Bakes beans left and everyone was starving. Upon entering Zelen the sun had set and allowed us easy movement to the market. To our surprise there was no food! To our additional surprise there was a bandit in the market which took out one of our guys, but we were able to take him down and then moved North. As we headed north we ended up finding a sheep which provided us with all the food we could ever want for a few days. We setup a fire and had some dinner under the stars. After dinner we continued North, but skipped Pusto and made our way to Vybor. It was our hope to find some ammunition to support us at the NW airfield. The town was ghostly empty, but ammunition was plentiful. We continued NE towards the airfield. At the airfield, we didn't find much except some additional AK mags and another AK. We ran into quite a bit of Zed trouble here, but were able to make it out. Once we got safely out of the airfield we transfused each other then setup camp near the Devil's Castle. All in all we had a very successful night with only one casualty. We now have food and ammunition to last us a short while, but will need to make our way to a city with a hospital as we're running low on medical supplies now. What a great night! Side question, why do some servers have a moon at night and some don't? The moon really makes night playtime actually playable without NVGs.
  11. Untalented

    Zombie Aggro

    Videos were from May. Pretty much always have to prone if they're around at all it would seem.
  12. Untalented

    Zombie Aggro

    Hi, I'm fairly new to playing and have read/watched a lot to learn as much as possible (and still feel very much like a noob). In any case I notice in most videos it seems as though they don't have the aggro issues I have. In many they can crouch through towns without getting much aggro if any by carefully avoiding zombies. I feel like if I'm not proned I'm aggro'd by a ton and so need to prone pretty much anywhere I go. This obviously makes my traveling very slow and so any tips would be appreciated.
  13. Untalented

    [HOW TO] Survive Starting Without A Gun

    Thanks, this was helpful along with the hours of videos I've been watching. I was completely lost initially, but I'm getting a little better. One thing I notice in a lot of videos if that I typically see them running around crouched through cities and around cities without being spotted. I find anytime I do this I get spotted very easily and have to prone everywhere. This obviously takes forever to get around. Any tips in regards to this? Did something change? I just started and most of the videos I'm watching are from April/May and they seem to have a much easier time navigating around cities without getting tons of Zombies on them.
  14. Untalented

    Stuck on loading after 1.5.7 patch

    Any word on a fix with this?
  15. Untalented

    Stuck at loading screen

    Same. Using the launcher it connects to the server and I get a final loading screen with a completely black background. Then nothing happens.