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About Trapline

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    On the Coast
  1. I checked the stickied thread before posting this. From that I understand that what we encountered should be reported but we were not recording at the time (me and friends never really do). Edit: Realized I didn't say when this happened. I believe it was around 7-7:30 PM US Mountain time Some back story to provide the context of what sort of players these guys are: We spotted a player near the barracks in Stary Sobor and kept an eye on him for quite some time. His name was icitte. We noticed his behavior so we kept an eye on him from a distance. His behavior was enough that we decided we were going to teach him a lesson about exploiting the game. Full disclosure: We watched him disconnect and reconnect probably 4 times to avoid zombies that were chasing /attacking him. Regardless I don't have proof he was an admin so that's kind of irrelevant (later we learn he is in cahoots with QcBigB). Shortly after that the server went down. We waited for it to come back up assuming he would rejoin and we would get our chance to provide our lesson. He did come back in. However, when I spotted the jeep next there were (at least) 2 other players with him. They had the parts to fix the vehicle and started to take off as our group snuck up on them (about 10 PM in game time). They went an unexpected direction and I took my chance to fire on the car as they drove past without noticing us (we wanted that jeep to go get our buddy from the beach). I saw in the kill log: QcBigB was killed (absolutely remember this) Kendoka was killed (this is what I remember; it is possible this could've been a different player (perhaps Monkeyrobot)) The driver was alive and continued past after their bodies fell out. Seconds later the server went down. We were naturally disappointed that we were about to be screwed out of our freshly earned jeep so we attempted to reconnect afterwards. Unfortunately the server was locked for 30+ minutes with only 5 players. QcBigB, Kendoka, Monkeyrobot, icitte and another player I do not remember specifically. This seems like a bit of abuse by the server admin to stop and lock the server upon his death (that they earned by driving around in a popular area with headlights on). We certainly would've killed the driver and acquired a jeep for our efforts had they not rebooted with a locked server so he could get away. I don't know how you guys handle this sort of behavior but it was the first sour taste I've had put in my mouth from Day Z. TL;DR Server admin for Chicago 122 stopped and locked the server after my group killed him and a friend. Seems shitty. Important to note it was running and his friends were in it for quite a while with the server locked afterwards.