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About Pappyjump

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  1. I asked for constructive criticism, fuck off if you have nothing to say
  2. No, the problem with Day Z is NOT with the glitches, hackers, bandits, bugs, snipers or artifacts. And before anyone asks, No I am not an asshole sniper, script kiddie, bandit, hacker or duper. The main problem that Day Z is facing is that the game claims to be "Completely Persistent" throughout all servers and log ins. Anyone who has played Day Z for more than 5 minutes knows that this is simply just not true. Tents delete items, flatten, disappear, get eaten by bigfoot, and decide to not let you place them. Same with vehicles, they delete items, reset and overall are just a pain in the ass to keep over 1 day. Not only this, but your inventory and backpack seems to eat weapons and gear as much as anything else does. This leads to my main point. Day Z is a game that rewards being careful and hard work, along with smart play and persistence. It is more disheartening than anything to have your tent that you had stashed with over 10 days worth of weapons, ammo, food, tools and other necessities, be eaten by some problem saving to the hive. THIS is the main problem with Day Z, moreso than hackers in my mind. I believe that this issue should be targeted as #1 alongside as hackers as the game breaking elements of this game. I open this thread up to discussion, agree/disagree. I only ask that i get no "QQ faggot" comments or the whatnot.
  3. Pappyjump

    We all know it. But it is out of hand now.

    The "Karma for sniping noobs" is a terrible excuse. The game gave you the ability to make decisions for yourself, so let someone snipe Electro, it makes the game much more challenging. Now getting hit by a flying car that you cannot avoid DEFEATS the challenge and is not intended for the game. No matter how dastardly your decisions are when playing Day Z, as long as you are doing them legitimately, they are far better than ANY hack that people are using nowadays.
  4. Orlok i have watched you around these forums and you NEVER have anything constructive to add to the conversation.
  5. Pappyjump

    [TRB] Clan Alt+F4 losers

    If only they new any sort of small unit tactics >:( They suck at the game, it only looked like two retards shooting into the forest.
  6. Thats stupid as well. Who the hell is gonna purposely play on the kiddie server?
  7. I dont understand the changes to all Russian weapons. You do understand that the outbreak happened when the United States was fighting Chernerus? (Spelling?) Thus it would be completely appropriate to have Nato weapons in the game.
  8. This is stupid. Arma 2 is a game that is ALREADY only sold to people 18 years or older. Your idea is stupid.
  9. Pappyjump

    Karma for the hackers

    I just got back to electro to find the dead bodies of the hackers and i tried to loot them, but all they had were the G36s! No other gear, and no mags for their guns. This leads me to believe that they had a script giving them infinite ammo.
  10. Pappyjump

    Karma for the hackers

    Damn this community to hell! I was soaring high in glory until you guys came along, then you all bashed it down in a hail of flames >:(
  11. Pappyjump

    Karma for the hackers

    Someone tell me how the hell they got camo g36 SDs then
  12. Pappyjump

    Karma for the hackers

    Atleast i felt like I won the fight on this one, but deffinitely not the war :P
  13. Just hatcheted to death 3 hackers in Electro today. To clarify how i know they were hackers, they all had ghillies, Camo G36s and AS50s. They were busy defending themselves from zombies as i snuck up and slashed them all to death. Karma does strike to these hackers, and it comes in psycho wielding a hatchet form ;)
  14. Pappyjump

    All primary guns on server deleted?

    I suppose, but that must be a new one since iv been playing this game for a while and never seen that before.
  15. Has anyone else experienced their gun just randomly delete out of their hands while playing Day z. My brother and i were playing and he had an M249 and i had an mp5 and both of our guns got deleted at the same time on server US 1333. Im not here to qq but has anyone else experienced this?