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About Imagination

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Looking for a few decently experienced players to join me and some on and off buds. We use TeamSpeak 3 to communicate and play all of the DayZ maps. Would prefer U.S. based players since timezone differences may be an issue; we are mainly on EST but we do have a PST player. If you are interested, just message here. Average age of our group is ~ 21.
  2. Same here Galrogyab. I was by Windy mountain on 7/26 and after update I spawned in Cherno's coast with all my gear. If I look at my gear or through binoculars I get a white glitchy screen. Currently on beta 95348. <-- downgraded after no luck with the 95417.
  3. Imagination

    Battle Eye Initialization Failed!!!

    Did this and it worked for me!
  4. Hey skrubs, I sent you a friend request on steam. I'm the heinze guy. Hope I got the right skrubs xD.
  5. Hey dude, I too want to start a small squad. I havent played for too long and I play in US east. I tried getting you on steam but for some reason it doesnt find you as tweakstur. Let me know if you are interested by messaging me on this forum!
  6. Imagination

    Player's Kill book

    Whitetiger, that is what I am suggesting..
  7. Imagination

    Player's Kill book

    Well I'm not suggesting it should be a stat. I'm just saying that if you do kill someone, it be nice to see a little history on the person. Btw, when someone dies, it says "Name" was killed.. So you can just write that down..
  8. Imagination

    Player's Kill book

    So how about this: Every player carries a small book that records the name of the victims that the player has killed with their current character. This way, if someone kills a player, the killer can loot the dead player and take their book or just read it and see how lethal their victim was. To take it a step further, maybe it can also record the distance, the location, and the weapon used to kill the players. I don't know how difficult it would be to set something that would record that automatically so it may be easier to leave it up to the person to write down the kills if they choose to but that may lead to trolling.. I think this is something that will just add to the fun of the game since it would be exciting to know that you have taken out a threat to yours and others survival. Hope you like the idea!