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About vaginaboob

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  1. vaginaboob

    few questions!

    Crowbars are just an alternate melee weapon to the hatchet. Only difference is the hatchet you can put it on your tool belt when you find a main weapon. You can only fix cars you can get in to. You can put weapons in your starter pack but it will take up a lot, if not, all the space in it. You can fly helicopters, good luck getting them operational though. Hope that helps :D
  2. Soylent Beanz? Has a nice ring to it. :D Agh' date=' I hate people like you so much, that stupid god awful phrase should be banned. [/quote'] Lol why u mad? You a Cod kiddie? Don't worry from the looks of it I hate you too. Gtfo
  3. vaginaboob

    who wants the spawn weapon back

    My answer is a resounding YES. This game has turned into a deathmatch with zombie npc's for extra targets. If I'm going to be pk'd in 5 minutes even if I only have a bandage and that coke I just picked up give me a makarov to at least have a fighting chance.
  4. Seriously ? you butthurt or something for being killed ? So when someone decides to shoot anyone on sight he is some 12 year old fucker that cant type ? And when someone wants to shoot everyone on sight he ruins the community ? Looks to me like you have to go back to your farmville where you are save for other gamers who are better then you. No it's not about getting killed. it seems you're kind of thick. At first the thrill of the game was seeing another player and not knowing if he was a bandit. There was some sort of communication. It didn't feel like a giant deathmatch where it takes an hour to get geared and suddenly killed for no reason other than for the lulz, or people like you OH I'M SO GOOD I'M A BETTER GAMER THAN U LOL. Gtfo you idiot. The problem is that everyone does shoot on sight, even if you just have a bandage on you what fun is that? If im getting pk'd five minutes as soon as i spawn give me my fucking makarov back.
  5. vaginaboob

    Lasting Appeal?

  6. At the moment it's a big deathmatch with zombies sprinkled in. FTFY
  7. There's a few of them, usually it's easy to spot them since they say something like that along the lines of not in sync with main database. I think im going to start playing in one of those.
  8. vaginaboob

    Lasting Appeal?

  9. It's funny that you think if shit hits the fan people will kill each other instantly after day 1. It was nice before when you actually teamed up with people and got Pk'd sometimes, not always. Now this mod has turned into a deathmatch with zombies mixed in, its stupid.