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Everything posted by leodimas

  1. yeah happens sometimes, like when you have 4-5 maps or watches in a store
  2. i dont want to bring this to you, but hiding vehicles and hoarding is something not safe at the moment. there is no such thing like a base of operations. people stalk servers all day just to find camps.
  3. leodimas

    Rangefinder mark a location

    dayz videos or arma 2? i think the simple rangefinder we get in dayz does not have the targeting function or tagging. wouldn´t that be a little to easy?
  4. leodimas

    Thunderdome highjacking tonight

    well excuse me that my humor cannot satisfy you gentlemen. ill try naruto jokes next time random51
  5. leodimas

    Thunderdome highjacking tonight

    what the heck means you are getting highjacked? were you and your son playing on a plane or train that got highjacked while you were switching servers? If you are beeing held hostages you might try www.police.com -_-
  6. leodimas

    How do I find servers with Side Chat?

    side chat is disabled in dayz. any server with side chat enabled is breaking the rules i think
  7. It´s about having fun, like any other game. Some find fun in killing others, some in helping others. For me it´s helping others that help me kill others :lol:
  8. leodimas

    Better ways to lose aggro

    zombies should not be fast and agile, i like the escape mechanism the game offers.
  9. leodimas

    Anyone close to Vybor wants a Ghillie?

    IT´S A TRAP!
  10. maybe its an A3, there are 2 cco one with camo and one without. the silenced one only comes with camo. does yours have camo?
  11. leodimas

    Found a Chopper Crash Site...No loot?

    somebody was there before you. if there is no loot at all there might have been more than one people, either together or passing by like you.
  12. Maybe put the quiver in the sidearm slot.
  13. so you are saying if you stimulate my brain with electric pulses you can manipulate my personality? lol sounds scary
  14. leodimas

    high clan-populated servers

    what is your job?
  15. leodimas

    Sniper spawn chances screwed?

    That is how rare items are in dayz at the moment.
  16. leodimas

    Sniper spawn chances screwed?

    put stuff in car/tent. save car/tent. take shit out and keep it on your character. wait for server restart. car/tent full of duped shit.
  17. leodimas

    Two hour long timer how do i fix?

    that sucks man, pick the fullest server you can get in and wait it out. maybe someone will see you and kill or revive you. given you are north of stary in a treeline i guess the would kill you...
  18. The CZ is a farmers rifle for medium game and protecting sheep. The m24 is a rifle to kill shit at long range disguised as a civil weapon. Please correct me.
  19. NEXT TIME CHANGE THE TITLE OF YOUR SERVER TO "TESTING" Then we would not waste forum space on this shitty topic getting out of hand.
  20. leodimas

    Good loot for first kill?

    If you really found a TWS rifle this guy was a scripter/hacker.