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Everything posted by jesus123

  1. 20 Days and I accidently backed up off the top of the rafters next to the ladder in Novy Sobor LOL
  2. Rocket could create "Zones" which are essentially different hives and limit 1 character per hive. He could have 4 set-up so you can't cross them over, if this game is going to be as massive as it's said to be.
  3. jesus123

    DayZ Standalone Engine?

    DayZ will probably use a modified version of Arma3, it's already been suggested it'd be built on that engine due to the technical limitations of Arma2's /speculation
  4. If Trolling is an art, let us paint together
  5. jesus123

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

    So how much is that Mountain Dew actually worth?
  6. jesus123

    DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

    How soon can they take my money?
  7. jesus123


    My, god, please, use, commas, correctly, please, thanks!
  8. jesus123

    US 1464

    There has been four hackers identified on this server, but due to death messages being disabled we haven't been able to figure whom it exactly is. Will update this post with names and screenshots when they re-join as it's been three times since I've personally ran into this groups of players. They've been caught using G3/Camo/SD every single time.
  9. It's in alpha, so what did you expect? The only major concern I have is over the spawn rates of the zeds.
  10. jesus123

    For those 30+ days in

    Go in a heavily populated night server, and hunt people down near any of the airfields or major towns.
  11. jesus123

    Animals not yielding steaks ?

    Killed a cow, gutted it, and was making room in my inventory to put them steaks inside said inventory, and the cow disappeared in front of me. I was rather mad lol
  12. jesus123

    What do youy do if you see a player

    Depends, if I have equipment I don't want to give up and it's a direction confrontation I immediately shoot on sight. Otherwise, avoid at all costs
  13. jesus123


  14. jesus123


    Yeah, I was on the Eastern Airfield with Toxin when he sniped a guy in a ghillie suit, and whom was clearly well armed. I'd say about 4-6 seconds after his death the server immediately went down and has been reset since then. This isn't the first time when an admin has reset a server after he's been killed to prevent looting and overall ragequit, kinda ridiculous.