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Everything posted by oled123@hotmail.co.uk

  1. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Loosing Water Bottles

    Has anyone else ever drank from a water bottle and just have it disappear? It's happened to me twice now.
  2. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    ITT:Camp Hunting

    Any tips for a first time camp hunter? I was thinking about going into a random server and just running from the top of the map in the North West corner all the way along to the North East.
  3. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    ITT:Camp Hunting

    So the camp hunting failed, found absolutely nothing and gave up xD
  4. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Is there a way to figure out which server I am on?

    Hold down "i"
  5. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    ITT:Camp Hunting

    I'll post in here later if I was successful :)
  6. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Saving Items In Tents

    I'm sure I'm not the first one to have the idea of stashing all of their gear into a camping tent and then going to raid Stary/NW Airfield care free, but I want to know if anyone has been successful doing this and if it would just be a waste of time.
  7. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Account Question

    I'm currently on a laptop at my Mum's house. My question is, would I be able to install ARMA CO on the computer at my Dad's house and use the same CD Key and play on the same character at each house?
  8. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Wincheters common?

    They normally spawn inside of barns, the only problem is that hatchets are so common in farm type loot spots that they normally are spawned instead of Winchesters.
  9. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    thats just nasty

    He changed "barbedwire" to "DayZ" insisting the only reason people play DayZ is to grief others, god you're slow :)
  10. oled123@hotmail.co.uk


    Download DayZ Commander, it has options to search only for servers that are night or day, 3rd person, crosshairs etc
  11. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Searching a player's name and finding their server?

    Wow you guys are stubborn, I asked this question elsewhere: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/34617-searching-a-players-name-and-finding-their-server/#entry330467
  12. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Last night I killed a man.

    Put a gun against his head, pulled the trigger now he's dead
  13. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Searching a player's name and finding their server?

    Exactly the answer I was looking for, I tried asking the same question in the Bandit subforum and just got told it wasn't possible, thanks you have my beans.
  14. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Searching a player's name and finding their server?

    Pretty sure you're wrong...
  15. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    I'm sorry for raiding your camp at US 441

    Why do you feel a need to pick on people's achievements? In the words of Buzz Lightyear "You are a sad, strange, little man and you have my pity."
  16. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Fresh Off The Beach

    I'm having a bit of trouble getting started in this game. I can go into Elektro and get out alive but I'm always missing something, usually it's a hunting knife. Because I this I won't be able to survive long because I can't get food from animals so I was wondering, how do you start up and get everything you need?
  17. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Windowed Mode?

    Pretty simple question, how do I run Day Z in windowed mode?
  18. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Windowed Mode?

    Thanks everyone
  19. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Spawn as bird?

    I spawned as a cow and let me tell you it's fucking awful, you think you have it bad with people killing you on sight? Trying being slow as fuck and about twice the size, freaking cry babies all I want to do is eat grass and people keep killing me even though I moo "friendly!" :'(
  20. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Finding Out Where I Am

    How the hell I find out where my player is? I'm using an online map but as I've only just started I have no idea which town I'm in, any tips on figuring out where I am then?