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Everything posted by oled123@hotmail.co.uk

  1. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Anyone have any idea when today it's being released?
  2. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    The whole Chernarus

    I would be all for it as long as the capacities on the amounts of players in servers were increased with it, it's somewhat rare to come across another player as it is.
  3. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    idea: players without gun cannot die by other players?

    I've seen many bad ideas in my short time on these forums, this is by far the worst.
  4. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Best Game since Skyrim!

    I hated Skyrim and found it repetitive, this game however is anything but.
  5. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Your rules for shoot on sight

    I shoot on site all of the time simply because I've just got an AS50 and I like using it.
  6. oled123@hotmail.co.uk


    Calm down, firstly don't get attached to your gear, secondly join a different server.
  7. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Running slowly?

    My bad I forgot this one, it's true if you run with your knife out you're much quicker, like in Battlefield.
  8. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Running slowly?

    This is due to you eating too much food and not moving enough, your player have become obese and so is running slower. I suggest you try to find some salad and stop consuming beans or cooked meat, also run more.
  9. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ Tea Time

    I drink tea but not whilst playing DayZ. I was just thinking though they should add tea to the game, it should refresh your thirst and also increase your temperature by so many °C
  10. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    What's On You Right Now

  11. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Your favorite death?

    My first death was my favourite death. I was new to the game and very naive about how people acted, due to this the first play that I was I instantly said down chat "Hi wanna team up?", he replied with an axe to my face.
  12. By default the key for this is the semi-colon, ";" right next to the @ key.
  13. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Popped My AS50 Cherry

    Just got my first AS50 kill and my second ever murder, I had just looted the AS50 from a helicopter crash and had set my map marker right on top of it so I knew the range. I sat in a bush and in only 5 minutes someone had aggroed the zombies at the site. He must have been some kind of noob, he way prone spraying zombies with a G17, I could see he was bleeding. I waited for him to kill the zombies and bandage. As soon as he pressed G to go into his inv I knew I had him, he automatically went crouch and due to the damage from the zombies I could've hit him in the toe and got the kill. As it happened I got one shot into his centre mass and it was an instant kill. The loot wasn't much special, I did however get a toolbox and some Staneg rounds for my M4A1 CCO, I also left behind a M16A2 w/ grenade launcher just because I liked the scope on mine. All in all I'm very happy with my first kill and have hid the body in hopes I can get a second AS50 kill here :D
  14. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    where do you guys find good weapons?

    I find the best loot at crashes, just pick a server and go all the way around Stary and NW Airfields looking for a crash site in the open fields, I guarantee you will find one.
  15. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    AS50 Or M107?

    I find the best loot is from helicopters, very small risk and they are easy to find if you just search the open fields around NW Airfields and Stary.
  16. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Popped My AS50 Cherry

    @Reo No need to be a twat, what is this sub forum for? "Bandit Campfire For bandits to share stories and tips, or victims to see how they operate, and how to best them!" I'm glad I don't actually consider myself a bandit, from what I've seen here you're all socially retarded douche bags that vent on the internet :)
  17. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    fn fal vs. bison

    Personally I opted for the Bizon when I was in the same situation. My reasoning was that I pretty much never engage other players unless it's with my AS50 and because of that I decided that the silencer on the Bizon would be very useful as I would only ever be using the gun on zombies. Now if you think you will be wanting to kill people with either the Bizon or the FAL then the FAL is a clear winner as the Bizon is just too weak.
  18. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Crash Site Dilema

    I just found a crash site. At it was an AS50 with no ammo, a M107 with 1 full magazine and an FN Fal. I had an M24, I decided to drop the M24 for the M107 and leave to FN Fal and stick with my Bizon, my question is what would you have done?
  19. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Crash Site Dilema

    AS50 It is, also I just looted the Barracks and found loads more 10 round mags :)
  20. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Crash Site Dilema

    So you think the AS50 is better than the M107? I might go swap :)
  21. oled123@hotmail.co.uk


    I just spawned in the Debug Plains for the very first time, I remembered what I read on here and didn't move and aborted quickly. When I logged back in I spawned on the coast 6000km away from where I was with all my items, oh well I guess it's better that running back from debug :)
  22. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Czech Backpacks

    Just looted a supermarket in a city up North and I found 7 Czech Backpacks in a row, what the actual fuck
  23. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Tired of playing solo

    Judging by your shocking attempt at spelling I'd have to assume you are a little kid so I'll have to decline.
  24. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    So...about the maps?

    All loot is random, I once looted all of Elektro twice and didn't find one hunting knife, now I find them every where.
  25. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Dayz commander.

    Yes it's completely safe now go download it.