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About oled123@hotmail.co.uk

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  1. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    High res textures

    DCL? Downcontent loadable?
  2. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    What DayZ Needs

    But what about for now, that game won't be out for months.
  3. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    What DayZ Needs

    DayZ used to be a fun game of trying to find rare loot whilst also trying to survive, now because of all the duplicated items death is only an inconvenience, upon death all you have to do is run up to where you know a tent is and get your rare gear back. The rarity of all items has clearly decreased, just look at some of the trades happening, I saw one person who had 10 NVGs for god's sake, this for me has made the game boring there is no need to venture into the NW Airfield when you can just go to a tent for all the rare gear you could ever need. The solution is simple, reset all inventories and tents and only then will this game go back to being about trying hard to find loot.
  4. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking For Players

    Me and my brother are about to start again, we're both experienced players at DayZ and I was wondering if anyone wanted to come play with us, the more the merrier :) If you want to come play with us send me a PM here and I'll give you the details, we're both 16.
  5. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Lost Gear

    Really? That's the first hacker I've experience D:
  6. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Lost Gear

    Just connected to a server for the second time today and found I was missing my backpack, all of my tool belt, my primary, seconday, rangefinders and NVGs, all I have left is the shit in my inventory and secondary inventory. I'm not mad, I get that people have lost their gear to much stupider thinks I just wanted to know what people think could've caused this?
  7. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Vybor Sniping

    I must have posted this around 40 times, it wasn't me in that livestream I was just promoting it.
  8. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Vybor Sniping

    Because I don't heal the people I shoot.
  9. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Vybor Sniping

    I've heard that Vybor is a good place to watch with a sniper, I was hoping some of you could share the coordinates of some sniper spots with good views.
  10. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Any big camps i can raid?

    At 067, 020 to the bottom right of the square in the server LU211 in a circle of orange trees there are 3 camping tents set up with high end gear that keeps re spawning due to the tent bug, enjoy :)
  11. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Just how rare is the SVD camo?

    I think what he was referring to was the actual ability to use the page up and down buttons to zero.
  12. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Only Patrol BackPack that eats Rifles?

    Is that right? I never knew that, thanks :)
  13. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Just how rare is the SVD camo?

    They do have built in rangefinders, that's what the curved lines are.
  14. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Just how rare is the SVD camo?

    They're rare in the loot table but due to duping now, as well as every other rare item, they're as common as people pissing in the shower.
  15. oled123@hotmail.co.uk

    Only Patrol BackPack that eats Rifles?

    If you try put any item into any bag where there isn't sufficient space then the item is lost.