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Everything posted by Dylon

  1. Dylon

    [Pain] Recruiting Active/Mature Players

    First Name: Dylon In-game name: Dylon Age: 16 Country: Ireland What time you are mostly on: most dayz GMT +! 6pm - 12pm Why you are searching for a group/clan: i find dayz is much more interesting with a group Skype: dylone2009
  2. count me in i currently got 14 kills, i got end game gear and need people to work with
  4. Dylon

    how to install bec????

    yes im with hfb btw
  5. hi, i have seen many "plugins" for dayz servers and they all need BEC but i have no idea how to install it, anyone got an idea?
  6. Dylon

    All servers have a red x

    did you enable dayz in your expansions?
  7. if your version is and you play on a server and back again it will do this i recommend always staying up to date http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  8. six updater is only updating to for some reason... use dayzcommander or manual install
  9. Dylon

    Optimization Help!

    also setting your video settings to default will change the rest of the settings to suit your computer best
  10. hi i have my remoteexec.txt file in the battleeye part of my server but its not making a log file yet the creatvehicle.txt made a createvehicle.log anyone got a fix?
  11. Dylon

    Vehicle repair issues.

    glad to help
  12. do you feel threatened by war z?
  13. Dylon

    ARMA 2 and ARMA 2: OA Setup?

    impossible. unless you bought it from http://www.bistudio.com/ then its completely impossible
  14. Dylon

    Hacker spawned me in the sky

    the only way is try land on something like a wrecked car, or a roadblock or a fence. if you disconnect while above on and then reconnect and fall on it you will reduce falldamage. skip to 1:20
  15. best thing to do is, while logged of get a friend to move the bus, log in and have him drive it very close to you in which you can get in the back. doesn't work? just press v while under the bus xD
  16. Dylon

    Vehicle repair issues.

    i found this bug with my vehicles, basically when something is damaged, lets say your driving and everything is green and you hit a rock and the hull goes yellow. although the rest is green after a server restart the rest of the car parts will downgrade to meet the lowest standard (in this case our yellow hull). might want to report this on here
  17. its possible your graphic drivers cant run the game http://www.sevenforums.com/general-discussion/246142-hard-drive-crashed-getting-semaphore-timeout-period-has-expired.html http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/intro.aspx
  18. Dylon

    Problem with server or my PC?

    tried updating your graphics driver? goto "start" type "device manager" and click display drivers and right click your driver and select "properties" and click "update driver" MAKE SURE to get the update online! also might be worth investing in some new computer parts
  19. Dylon

    Can Only See Foreign Servers

    This can be due to the beta patch, all the servers i find are using ftp://downloads.bistudio.com/arma2.com/update/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_95883.zip
  20. man the dayz dev's do alot, i mean we are a small amount of ppl who are having problems when 11k hackers were banned in the past 2months..... seriously warz, it'll be good but you wont get that awesome dayz feeling
  21. Dylon

    Problem with server or my PC?

    Tell you what, im the owner of US 754 i restart every 5hours so should be all good for you hop on by DayZ - US 754 (v1.7.2.5/Beta 95948) [Regular 3DP:1 CH:1 ][-8] dayzmod.com - hosted by Dylon @ Spacebattles
  22. You can't remove the beta without uninstalling arma 2 and OA, i recommend using this website to get the beta your server uses and here to get dayz
  23. did you put on any camo or ghillie? or change to bandit or hero skin recently? sometimes skin changes can cause this bug http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/8-bug-reports/
  24. Dylon

    You were kicked of the game...

    reinstall dayz its usually from trying to wallhack by deleting your plant files.... but just go here to get all the dayz files http://uk1.dayz.nu/latest/DayZ- put these files in this directory arma 2 operation arrowhead\@DayZ\addons
  25. Dylon

    Gear item option overlap bug

    :3 glad to help