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Posts posted by SmoothAriel

  1. IRL Information

    Name: Ariel

    Age: 18

    Location: New York

    Timezone: ^

    Game Information

    IGN : Carlos

    Steam ID (if applicable): TheStrongestOne

    Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc):Sniper/Assault

    Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): I would like to join because I can pose a valuable asset to the team. I can help around any mission or assist from anywhere. In Cherno bleeding broken bones covered by snipers? Don't worry Carlos is coming....

    What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: Pro skills (over 300hrs of IG play...)

  2. First name: Ariel (M)


    TimeZone: Eastern

    Why you want to join:I would like to join because I would like to have a team to depend on, and people i could help.

    Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest: 10

    Do you have Teamspeak: Yes

    Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No): Yes

    How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie): I've been playing for 115 Hours I'd count my self as experienced.
