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Posts posted by JayTee

  1. I'd like to tell you something that happened yesterday.

    I was on the search for food near Chernagorsk at night. Suddenly, I heard some shots far away in the east, a very bold one and several less heavy ones. I looked at the old gas station but couldn't spot anything, so I crawled onto a small hill, hoping to get an overview without being spotted myself.

    So I was laying there, under a small bush, when I saw two survivors running through the bushes about 20 meters away. I was frightened and kept observing the two strangers, a man and a woman, both armed. The man had a bigger rifle, that's all I could tell. I guess he was the one I heard shooting earlier.

    They stopped and slowly turned so they were facing me. I began to panic, got out my AK and began shooting at them. They didn't do anything. It was dark and I could barely see where I was shooting. When I stopped I witnessed something I won't get out of my mind too soon.

    The man was crawling towards the woman, who passed out. I didn't know what I was doing and started firing at them again until I saw the man laying on the ground as well. The woman slowly got up and I shot again until they were both motionless. It was entitely silent and just now I realized I did something wrong.

    I ran up to the corpses and looked at their inventory. The man just had a rifle, not even ammo, and all the woman was carrying was a crossbow. They wouldn't have been dangerous to me at that time.

    I was often venting about people randomly killing people. But in that night, I realized I became one of them by killing two innocent strangers who were, just like me, simply trying to survive.

    - We stopped looking for monsters under our bed when we realized they were inside us

    Wow..... that touched me.

