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  1. Finding a good server always helps with fps but you have to have your settings right and you're actually hurting yourself by having everything on very low! Stupid i know but having any setting under high will actually use your cpu not your gpu. I have a similar system to you Intel 2 quad and a slighty different gpu with a hd 6790 and i improved my fps with these settings and i'm no expert but these helped me and until i upgrade it will have to do.... First off go to your documents-Arma2 then open your Arma2OA config file with notepad and change GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3; to GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; Then launch the game and try these settings Interface and 3d resolution - they need to match and it's best to use the resolution your monitor is mine is 1680x1050 on both. Texture Detail - High Video Memory - Default Anisotropic filtering - High Antialising - Disabled ATOC - To make the game look better have all trees but seein as everyone else turns it off for an advantage in battle then have it Disabled Terrain - High Objects - High Shadows - Disabled HDR - High PPAA - FXAA (sharp filter) High Postprocess effects - Disabled Vsync - Disabled I went from 20-30 frames on average to 35-45 after making these changes so hopefully it works for you to but in major towns such as Cherno and Elektro don't expect anything better than 20.
  2. Haha this thread is an instant classic! Anyway i'll try to contribute as much as possible, some may be good others will definitely be shocking. The Royal Guard - You must stand near the doorway(inside) of the most important building in every town (Its up to you to decide which building has the most prestige in each town) even if shot at you can not move and you can not talk to anyone (other than offering them the chance to take a picture with you). It would probably be best to stand there saluting and the only way you can release yourself from this statue state is if someone enters the building then leaves without killing you << obvioulsy lol Bonus points go to anyone who actually does stop to have their picture taken with you, extra bonus if you're wearing a ghillie. The Prostitute - Find a player or even a bunch of players haha and offer your services to them for food, drink or whatever you are desperate for. You must do whatever that person or group demands after your payment. So for e.g if they say jump off a bridge, you jump off a bridge. Bonus points go to any prostitue who doesnt get killed near the sea or a pond 8) ZombieCat - You must drop every item you own including your backpack. You can only carry one item which could either be food, drink, painkillers, empty tin cans and whatever else you may have come across looting a zombie. You must go through main towns and cities whilst doing the fucked up crouch walk impersonating a hopper (i believe its alt+shift but i'm not to sure, yet i'm sure everyone knows about it) whilst makin zombies sounds. Bonus points awarded for even making it through a town without being zombie raped lol it maybe best to try this at night. The Rocket - You must become friends with another person or group and in every sentence you speak you have to drop the word "Standalone" in there somewhere. It doesn't even have to make sense you just have to say the word. Bonus points for the number of people that do not kill you becasue of it lol The Toy Soldier - You must carry a gun with no ammo and engage other players making pew pew pew pew pew sounds haha Bonus points awarded for every shootout you survive The Busker - You must pick a spot in a populated area and sing and dance for your items, the more items you gain the better the busker you are. Bonus points for anyone who gains a gun from their antics lol The Vietnam Veteran - You must make friends with a player/group and constantly tell them stories about your time in Dayz. It doesn't even have to be true lol Then every 30 minutes to an hour you must try to reenact a shootout by firing your gun in the air and convincing the other player/players that are with you, that this is a real engagement. Bonus points awarded for the amount of time you keep the group in combat mode. That's all i can think of right now but the OP is a genuis in my eyes so for that they deserve my beans.
  3. UPDATE! Polk came and saved me, what a legend! So if he ever offers you help on here then you're safe to let him help you. Thanks again Pork.
  4. I think i'm in Vybor yes in the small white barn with 3 levels. Just hurt i believe i have not heard my self cough yet.
  5. Make that 2700 blood i got hit again making my last post lol ............ steam account is sharpy_d
  6. I need help big time! I'm hidden in a barn south west of the north west airfield. I've literally just had a nightmare thanks to my own stupidity and graphical glitches. I'm now at 3400 blood and i believe i'm infected or i'm just shaking due to low blood.No one can save me now, i may have to comit suicide pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee help.
  7. The problem with this game/mod is that it's just a game/mod. However, the majority of people though including myself take this game very seriously, as i'm sure many survivors and bandits do. The real problem is the people who play this mod with no emotion attached. The same people who don't care whether their character lives or dies, the people who shoot not to survive but just to tally up a kill. The same people who claim you shouldn't become attached to things like gear or how many days you've survived for even though you have or had put vast amounts of hours into your character. In my honest opinion they're the people who ruin this mod so the sooner they get bored and leave the better it is for everyone and this is not an anti bandit post. Without them this mod wouldn't even be half as fun and that's the truth. This is an anti knob head post and i fail to see why you would even want to participate in this mod if you don't care about any of the things above, i really don't. So until we lose these wasters many, many more people will become as you put it, a monster and will join the crusade of becoming a bellend.
  8. dazleesharp@hotmail.co.uk


    I've only been to Stary Sober twice. The first time i just stumbled across it playing solo, i had no idea where i was actually going lol raided the tents and got the hell out of there. I never came under contact so i'm guessing i was just lucky because the second time me and a friend headed off to Stary Sober and within minutes of us being there, we was both dead haha. So from my personal experience that's 1-1 so i don't actually help your dilemma out here in the slightest but it's risk vs reward, you just have to decide which is more important.
  9. Is it fps lag? If so that could be the server or your graphic settings being to high. If it's internet lag then try resetting your router. I would recommend downloading game booster 3.5 as that shuts down all unnecessary programs in the background whilst you're playing the game, which should boost performance. The six launcher thing, well i'm no expert with this but i'm sure you just run six updater and then update the game from there and make sure as soon as you load into the game that you press , or . / < or > to change chat channel and make sure you're on... direct communication....you'll see it cycle through all 3 chat channels in the bottom left, hope any of this helps.
  10. It is what it is, if people are given the option to cheat then the majority will do so. It's sad that they have to resort to this but that's life and i've not had this happen to me yet but only because i'm still yet to kill a human player. I have died serveral times though and lost all of my great gear but that's apart of the beauty to this game. So in my opinion, you're just cheating yourself no matter how long it took you to get to the airfield. what would you have done were you in my position? Well just before i broke my cpu fan and could actually play this game lol. I was off on a mission for food, my hunger level was getting to the point where even if i'd of seen an unarmed man i would of had to shoot him. I was way up north east and was approaching a town where i knew players would be roaming but i had no other choice at this point, i had to go in. Within seconds or running towards a building i heard 2 gun shots, close enough and loud enough for me to absolutely S**t it haha. I started to run, zig zagging all over the place. I ran through the centre of town (bad idea) i know, seen a dead body on the floor then started to run off in another direction, dodging all the Zeds i had aggro'd. Continued to run until i noticed a house i could enter (again probably not the best idea). I used the windows to scout if i was followed, no sign of anyone. After getting my adrenline down irl lol i realised i still needed food. Scanned the house, no food just empty tin cans and a knife. I'll take that it was needed anyway, still wary of my hunger and bandit/bandits i was stuck as to what i should do. I remember just sitting there waiting for someone to come near the house for a good 10-15 minutes and within that time i'd heard 3-4 more gun shots off in the distance. Eventually i knew i just had to get out of there, as i was desperate for food at this point so I ran out the house, went off over the field and to my amazement i saw a goat in the field. Still knowing human players where about i had to be quick so i shot the goat, gutted the meat and got the hell out of there. That was one of the most intense moments in Dayz which i've actually survived and none of that would of been possible if i'd off d/c the minute i'd been shot at. So as i said anyone who d/c just cheats themself out of an experience in the game and yes even dying is one of them.
  11. Hey, i'm basically in the same boat as you. I've been lone wolfing since i got the game over the weekend but i've been watching streams for long enough to know what i'm doing. I've easily put in over 16 hours and around 6-8 with my latest character but i'm still yet to see even 1 human player (doesn't mean no one has seen me) and i've even gone on an airfield raid. Which i barely survived thanks to some tool placing barb wire at the door entry and me being a tool attracting Z'd's haha i should of known better really. Anyway, if you want to team up then message me back, cheers!